饮用水安全问题对人类健康至关重要[1-2]。近些年饮用水安全方面的挑战涵盖了微生物的方方面面,通常细菌在饮用水管网输配系统(drinking water distribution systems,DWDSs)的生物膜中自然定殖,并形成稳定的微生物生态系统[3-4],这种稳态环境有利于细菌的生长并能够给其在面对消毒过程时提供一定的庇护作用,进而带来包括致病菌、抗性基因等微生物风险问题[5]。因此,探究长期运行的DWDSs生物膜的细菌群落组成对于控制饮用水微生物风险具有重要意义。
抗生素抗性基因(antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)会增强细菌宿主对抗生素的抵抗能力[6-7],细菌产生ARGs通常需要一个稳定的环境,而生物膜恰恰能提供这种“温床”[8-9],因此长期运行的DWDSs生物膜最终可能导致微生物的ARGs风险。此外,包括磺胺甲恶唑在内的抗生素在临床上的广泛使用,不可避免地导致抗生素污染[10-11]。抗生素不仅会影响细菌的生长过程,还会对ARGs的传播造成影响[12-13]。低剂量的抗生素(0.5 mg·L−1),如土霉素和磺胺甲恶唑,会加速活性氧的生成并促进ARGs的传播[14]。因此,探究微量抗生素对长期运行的DWDSs生物膜中ARGs的影响十分重要。饮用水处理和消毒被认为是20世纪最伟大的公共卫生成就之一[15],消毒工艺通常被认为能够抑制微生物的生长以及控制ARGs传播[16]。但同样有研究报道消毒对ARGs的形成存在促进作用[17-20]。因此,探究消毒是否对长期运行的DWDSs生物膜中的ARGs起到有效控制将有助于控制管网微生物风险。此外,消毒过程作为细菌遭受到的一种环境胁迫压力,往往会影响与细菌新陈代谢有关的功能基因[21]。但是关于功能基因与ARGs之间是否存在关系,目前研究报道不多。
Influence of micro-sulfamethoxazole on the biofilm bacterial communities and antibiotic resistance genes in drinking water distribution systems and its control
摘要: 针对饮用水管网系统可能存在的微生物风险问题,采用模拟不同处理条件下的输配水管道系统,通过宏基因组学分析探究微量磺胺甲恶唑以及次氯酸钠消毒对管道中生物膜与抗性基因组成的影响。结果表明,2 μg·L−1磺胺甲恶唑的添加对微生物群落以及抗性基因组成无明显影响,而浮霉菌门细菌表现出很强的抗次氯酸钠消毒能力。在未消毒条件下丰度前十的抗性基因与携带差异性抗性基因的细菌在消毒后丰度均明显有所下降,次氯酸钠消毒使ARGs总量下降了91.9%,因此,次氯酸钠消毒通过控制携带抗性基因物种从而有效控制群落抗性基因的传播。同时,通过组间显著性差异的功能基因与组间显著性差异的抗性基因相关性分析,功能基因的变化情况与抗性基因变化情况一致,因此,长期消毒改变了细菌群落组成及其功能,并最终影响抗性基因传播。这项研究有助于控制长期运行的饮用水管网输配系统中可能存在的包括抗药基因在内的微生物相关风险问题。Abstract: For the microbial risk in the water of drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs), metagenomic analysis was used to investigate the effects of micro-sulfamethoxazole and NaClO disinfection on biofilm bacterial communities and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the simulated DWDSs under different treatments. The experimental results showed that the bacterial communities and ARGs did not change significantly with addition of 2 μg-L−1 sulfamethoxazole, while the bacteria of Planctomycetes at phylum level showed a strong resistance to NaClO. The abundance of top ten ARGs and the bacteria carrying differential ARGs detected before disinfection both decreased significantly after disinfection. The total abundance of ARGs decreased by 91.9% due to the influence of NaClO. Therefore, the spread of ARGs was controlled by the NaClO disinfection because of its inhibition on the bacterial species carrying ARGs growth. Meanwhile, the correlation analysis between function genes and ARGs with significant differences among groups showed that the changes in function genes were consistent with changes in ARGs. Therefore, long disinfection changed the bacterial communities and their function, which affected the propagation of different ARGs. This study was contributed to the control of possible microbial risk including the ARGs in the water of long-running DWDSs.
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