采用MM5/WRF模型为大气污染扩散CALPUFF模型提供高空气象输入数据时,MM5/WRF模型设置模拟区域内层网格的水平分辨率一般为1~9km。针对目前使用更广泛的WRF模型,设置模拟实验,通过对比分析不同水平分辨率下(1和5km) CALPUFF浓度模拟结果的差异,研究WRF模拟的不同水平分辨率的高空气象数据对CALPUFF模拟污染物浓度的影响。结果表明,CALPUFF采用WRF模拟的这两种水平分辨率的高空气象数据在模拟污染物日均浓度时差异不明显,但在模拟小时污染物浓度,尤其是在浓度较高值区,这种差异尤为显著。鉴于高分辨率的气象数据对高空气象场有更好的模拟效果,推荐使用WRF模拟的分辨率高的高空气象数据作为CALPUFF模型的高空气象驱动场。
When the MM5/WRF model is used to provide upper air meteorological data as input data for the air pollution diffusion CALPUFF model, the MM5/WRF model sets the horizontal resolution of the inner layer grid of the simulation area generally to be 1~9 km. Considering the WRF model which is more widely used at present, we set up a simulation experiment to study the effects of different horizontal resolution of WRF simulated upper air meteorological data on CALPUFF simulation by comparing and analyzing the differences of concentration results at different horizontal resolutions (1 and 5 km). The results show that there is no significant difference in the simulated daily average pollutant concentration between the two data groups, when CALPUFF use the two kinds of horizontal resolution upper air data which are simulated by WRF. However, the difference is particularly significant between two groups of the hourly pollutant concentration simulated by the CALPUFF, especially in the higher pollutant concentration grids. Considering that high-resolution simulated meteorological data has a better simulation effect on upper air meteorological field, it is recommended to use the high-resolution upper air data simulated by WRF as the upper air meteorological field for CALPUFF.