——以广东清远和江西崇义为例Application of satellite remote sensing technology in the investigation of historical solid waste in mining areas
摘要: 矿山历史遗留固废精准排查是矿山污染治理的必要条件。卫星遥感技术广泛应用于固体废物排查在内的环境监测领域,但存在识别对象差异性和遥感数据质量影响排查全面性和准确性的问题。该研究基于矿山历史遗留固废特征构建遥感解译数据库,对广东清远和江西崇义2个研究区域开展单时相影像遥感解译、多时相影像遥感解译和人工解译修正,通过计算漏判率、总体精度,评价卫星遥感解译在矿山历史遗留固废排查工作中的应用效果,并对非目标图斑进行分类,优化了矿山历史遗留固废遥感解译精度评价参数。结果显示:单时相影像遥感结果漏判率较大,未能全面排查到研究区域内的历史遗留固废;经过多时相影像进行遥感解译人工解译修正的解译结果漏判率为0%,近似精度>95%;近似精度可作为后续矿山历史遗留固废现场核查的依据。Abstract: Accurate identification of historical solid waste in mining areas is essential for the pollution management. Satellite remote sensing technology is widely applied in environmental monitoring, including solid waste identification. However, it faces challenges due to the target recognition difference and the data quality. This study constructs a remote sensing interpretation database based on the characteristics of the historical mining solid waste. In Qingyuan and Chongyi, single and multi-temporal image interpretations, followed by manual corrections, were conducted. By calculating the false negative rate and overall accuracy, the application effect of satellite remote sensing interpretation in the investigation of historical solid waste from mines was evaluated, and non-target patches were classified to optimize the evaluation parameters of remote sensing interpretation accuracy for historical solid waste from mines. The results showed that single-temporal image interpretations had significant omission rates and failed to comprehensively identify historical solid waste. In contrast, multi-temporal image interpretations followed by manual correction resulted in a 0% omission rate and an approximate accuracy exceeding 95%. This accuracy can serve as a basis for subsequent on-site verification of historical mining solid waste.
表 1 卫星数据源参数
Table 1. Satellite data source parameter
类型 参数 卫星轨道 太阳同步轨道(SSO)、轨道高度:651 km、升交点地方时(LTAN):10:30 卫星平台 SSTL-300 S1 侧摆能力 整星侧摆±45º 影像分辨率 全色:0.8 m;多光谱:3.2 m 幅宽 24 km 成像模式 多景模式、沿轨立体、跨轨立体、条带模式(约4 000 km)、区域成像(约
40 km × 40 km)波段范围 蓝:440~510 nm
绿:510~590 nm
红:600~670 nm
全色:450~650 nm
近红外:760~910 nm表 2 遥感解译排查图斑分类
Table 2. Remote sensing interpretation investigation spot classification
个 目标图斑(PT) 近似图斑(PA) 错误图斑(PF) 历史遗留固废 高速公路施工点 采选在产企业 裸露山体 尾矿库 农田 非采选企业的临时堆场 果园 河沙厂 林地开发 正在开展整治的矿山 房地产开发 已整治的矿山 居民建筑 其他非目标图斑 表 3 各期遥感解译数据疑似历史遗留固废图斑现场核查结果
Table 3. On-site verification results of suspected historical solid waste maps of remote sensing interpretation data
个 疑似历史遗留固废图斑 江西省崇义县 广东省清远市 图斑判定类型 现场核查结果 单时相影像
遥感解译解译修正 单时相影像
遥感解译解译修正 目标图斑(PT) 矿区历史遗留固废 11(8.87%) 15(13.39%) 17(12.88%) 7(5.0%) 29(23.6%) 31(21.7%) 近似图斑(PA) 有色采选在产企业 34(27.42%) 52(46.43%) 68(51.52%) 30(21.6%) 45(36.6%) 62(43.4%) 尾矿库 5(4.03%) 7(6.25%) 7(5.30%) 6(4.3%) 6(4.9%) 6(4.2%) 非采选企业的临时堆场 5(4.03%) 3(2.68%) 3(2.27%) 6(4.3%) 23(18.7%) 23(16.1%) 河沙厂 2(1.61%) 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) 1(0.7%) 1(0.8%) 1(0.7%) 正在开展整治的矿山 5(4.03%) 5(4.46%) 5(3.79%) 6(4.3%) 11(8.9%) 12(8.4%) 已整治的矿山 10(8.06%) 24(21.43%) 26(19.70%) 4(2.9%) 4(3.3%) 4(2.8%) 错误图斑(PF) 高速公路施工点 9(7.26%) 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) 5(3.6%) 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%) 裸露山体 8(6.45%) 6(5.36%) 6(4.55%) 18(12.9%) 4(3.3%) 4(2.8%) 农田 7(5.65%) 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) 14(10.1%) 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%) 果园 6(4.84%) 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) 13(9.4%) 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%) 林地开发 12(9.68%) 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) 14(10.1%) 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%) 房地产开发 3(2.42%) 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) 3(2.2%) 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%) 居民建筑 4(3.23%) 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) 7(5.0%) 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%) 其他 3(2.42%) 0(0.00%) 0(0.00%) 5(3.6%) 0(0.0%) 0(0.0%) 合计 124 112 132 139 123 143 -
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