Toxicity of arsenic on green algae and its effect on redox conditions
摘要: 选择绿藻中耐毒品种莱茵衣藻(Chlamydomonas reinhardtii)为研究对象,分析三价砷加入对其体系氧化还原条件的影响,研究代表性绿藻莱茵衣藻C. reinhardtii对水体三价砷毒性的响应.结果表明,光照或黑暗条件下莱茵衣藻C. reinhardtii的生长都会使pH升高,氧化还原电位(Eh)减小.根据pH-Eh分析可知,水体三价砷As(Ⅲ)大部分以H2AsO3-存在,H2AsO3-加入后pH升高和Eh减小趋势更为明显,并随其浓度增大,Eh会出现缓慢上升趋势.同时,pH与Eh变化也会影响砷对藻类的毒效应,当pH值为10.0-10.5,Eh为-143- -136 mV时,三价砷浓度增大对藻类生长速率没有明显影响,但当pH值为9.5-10.1,Eh为-156- -143 mV时,三价砷浓度增大会明显降低了藻类生长速率.Abstract: Toxicity-tolerant algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was chosen to investigate the effect of arsenite As(Ⅲ) addition on redox conditions of the cultures and its response to the arsenic toxicity in the freshwater system. The results indicated that the growth of C. reinhardtii was observed under the conditions of light or darkness, with increased pH values and decreased redox potential values (Eh). According to pH-Eh diagrams of arsenic, the dominant arsenic species in freshwater was H2AsO3-. The tendency of pH elevation and Eh reduction was more obvious in the presence of As(Ⅲ), and the Eh values rose slowly with the increased As(Ⅲ) concentrations. Moreover, the variation of pH and Eh affected the toxic effect of As(Ⅲ) on algae. Under the condition of pH10.0 to 10.5 and Eh -143 to -136 mV, no obvious variation of algal growth rate was observed at different As(Ⅲ) concentrations. However, under the condition of pH 9.5 to 10.1 and Eh -156 to -143 mV, the algal growth rate was evidently inhibited by increased As(Ⅲ) concentration.
Key words:
- arsenite /
- Chlamydomonas reinhardtii /
- pH /
- redox potential /
- toxicity effects
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