Thermodynamic and kinetic of fluoride adsorption onto zirconium modified attapulgite
摘要: 以锆改性凹凸棒土(Zr-ATP) 为吸附剂,研究了其对水中F-的吸附、脱附性能,探讨了Zr-ATP对F-的吸附热力学和动力学规律.结果表明,随着温度的升高,Zr-ATP对F-的吸附量逐渐增加;F-在Zr-ATP上的吸附等温线可用Freundlich等温线方程拟合,吸附过程为熵驱动的吸热、熵增的自发过程;Zr-ATP对F-的吸附量随着吸附剂中锆含量的升高而增加;F-在Zr-ATP吸附剂上的吸附动力学符合拟二级动力学方程,且其吸附过程中受边界层扩散的影响.当pH=5时,Zr-ATP对F-的吸附量最大(30.37 mg·g-1);阴离子的存在抑制F-在Zr-ATP上的吸附效果,不同阴离子影响的大小顺序为:HCO3- > SO42- > NO3- > Cl-.吸附饱和的Zr-ATP可在NaOH溶液中脱附再生,经4次脱附后,F-的吸附量为22.78 mg·g-1,有良好的再生性,可循环使用.Abstract: Zirconium modified attapulgite (Zr-ATP) was prepared, and its adsorption and desorption behavior for aqueous fluoride was conducted. The thermodynamics and dynamics for fluoride adsorption onto Zr-ATP were also studied. Adsorption experiments showed that the saturation adsorption of fluoride increased with temperature, and adsorption isotherm of fluoride onto Zr-ATP could be fitted by Freundlich model. The adsorption was an endothermic and increasing entropy process. The adsorption capacity of fluoride onto Zr-ATP increased with zirconium content. The pseudo-second-order kinetics could fit the adsorption data very well in different initial concentrations, and the adsorption process was affected by boundary diffusion. The maximum adsorption amount of fluoride onto Zr-ATP was found to be 30.37 mg·g-1 at pH=5. The presence of anions in solution resulted in the suppressed fluoride and the effect of different anions was in the order of HCO3- > SO42- > NO3- > Cl-. The loaded fluoride could be desorbed in NaOH solution, and the adsorption amount of fluoride was about 22.78 mg·g-1 after fourth desorption-regeneration cycles, which indicates that the adsorbent can be used repeatedly.
Key words:
- Zirconium modified attapulgite /
- Adsorption /
- Fluoride /
- Thermodynamics /
- Kinetics
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