A case study of orgin judgment of unknown solid waste by use of on-site similarity analysis
摘要: 基于主要氧化物、微量金属等含量指纹信息,应用相似度方法推测了某化工遗留场地内不同深度土壤状“不明固体废物”的来源;同时讨论了含量指纹信息数据标准化对相似度系数的影响,以及相似度系数与分歧系数的对应关系.通过对比“不明固体废物”和场地外对照土壤在常量氧化物、微量金属含量指纹信息的相似程度,并结合样品中挥发性有机物等痕量物质随埋藏深度的含量变化趋势和种类分布特征,认为所有监测点位各深度“不明固体废物”实为场地内受污染的土壤.数据标准化处理后相似度系数有较大变化,与分歧系数有更为规律的对应关系,并暂定极值标准化后相似度系数在“必然相似”、“可能相似”定性判断上的临界参考点分别为0.8和0.6,为环境管理提供参考.Abstract: Based on the fingerprint information (i.e. contents of oxides and trace metals), the present study firstly applied similarity analysis to judge whether solid waste disposal in a former chemical industry plant was intentional. The fingerprint information showed clear influences on the standardized similarity coefficient, and these influences were discussed. The relationship between similarity and divergence coefficients was also well described. By comparing with the fingerprint information of the reference sites, we concluded that the "suspected solid waste disposal" behaviors in all the monitoring sites were actually unintentional. This conclusion was also supported by other information, i.e. depth distribution and species distribution of volatile organic compounds. Standardization of similarity coefficient will be greatly helpful to build the connections between similarity and divergence coefficients, and the cut-off values were tentatively determined as 0.8 and 0.6 for "high similarity" and "possible similarity", respectively. This study proposed a powerful and quantitative tool, which might be useful for environmental management in the future.
Key words:
- solid waste /
- X-ray fluorescence spectrometry /
- fingerprint /
- similarity /
- coefficient divergence /
- standardization
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