Research progress on the analysis of microplastics in the environment
摘要: 微塑料是尺寸介于0.2-5.0 mm不同形态塑料的统称.微塑料随海流漂流无国界,溯源追责困难.近年来,微塑料已成为全球海洋和海岸带环境中一种备受关注的新型污染物.微塑料在环境中的迁移、转化、归趋和生态毒理效应值得深入研究,因此建立准确、高效的微塑料分析方法十分必要.本文系统地综述了国内外环境样品微塑料的采集、预处理、定性定量分析方法,比较了各方法的优缺点及应用范围.针对现阶段微塑料分析方法存在的问题和不足,提出进一步研究的方向.Abstract: Microplastics are general description for plastics with sizes ranging from 0.2 mm to 5.0 mm. Microplastics can drift with ocean currents and it's hard to trace their sources. Recently, microplastics have become a class of emerging pollutants in the global ocean and costal environment. To investigate their transport, transformation, fate and ecotoxicological effects, it is necessary and imperative to establish accurate and efficient methods to analyze microplastics in the environment. In this review, we systematically summarized the sampling, preparation, qualitative and quantitative methods in the analysis of microplastics in environmental samples. The pros and cons of each method were compared. Based on the current research status, further research needs are also proposed.
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