Distribution of the particle size multiplier of road dust fall during autumn in Tianjin
摘要: 2014年秋季在天津市南开区11条道路布设88个道路降尘采样点,每个采样点设置2个采样高度;将采集回来的样品合并后通过再悬浮装置和便携式气溶胶粒径谱仪Grimm 1.109得到道路降尘的粒度乘数k2.5,开展了天津市秋季道路降尘粒度乘数k2.5分布特征的研究以便得到天津市本土化的粒度乘数.结果表明:(1)1.5 m处降尘粒度乘数和2.5 m处降尘粒度乘数k2.5相差不大;(2)1.5 m处不同道路类型降尘粒度乘数k2.5的大小关系为:次干道 > 支路 > 快速路 > 外环线 > 主干道;2.5 m处不同道路类型降尘粒度乘数k2.5的大小关系为:支路 > 次干道 > 快速路 > 主干道 > 外环线.(3)东西走向道路的南北两侧的降尘粒度乘数k2.5差异显著,这可能与采样期间的主导风向有关.Abstract: Eighty eight sampling sites of dust fall were chosen on 11 roads in the Nankai district of Tianjin during the autumn of 2014 with two different heights for each site. The dust particle size multiplier k2.5 was calculated for the collected samples after merging via resuspension experiment and the portable Grimm 1.109 aerosol particle spectrometer. The distribution characteristics during autumn in Tianjin was studied. Results were as follow:(1) There was only slight difference for dust particle size multiplier k2.5 between the height of 1.5 m and 2.5 m;(2) in the case of the 1.5 m height, the decreasing order of dust particle size multiplier k2.5 in different road types was minor arterial > collector road > express way > the outer ring > major arterial; whereas in the case of the 2.5 m height, the decreasing order of dust particle size multiplier k2.5 in different road sizes was collector road > minor arterial > express way > major arterial > the outer ring; (3) there was significant difference for dust particle size multiplier k2.5 between the two sides of East-west roads, which may be related to wind direction during sampling.
Key words:
- road dust fall /
- particle size multiplier /
- distribution characteristics /
- Tianjin
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