Pollution and exposure characteristics of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in indoor dust in Xinxiang, China
摘要: 在新乡市牧野区22个中学生家庭室内采集灰尘,系统探讨了室内灰尘中多环芳烃(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons,PAHs)的浓度、污染来源、人体暴露特征及健康风险.结果表明,新乡市中学生家庭室内灰尘中美国EPA优先检测的15种PAHs的检出率为100%,15种PAHs总量范围为203-9500 ng·g-1,平均值为2100 ng·g-1.新乡市中学生家庭室内灰尘中PAHs主要由4环组分构成,占总量的38.1%.多特征比值法表明,草、木材和煤的不完全燃烧是新乡市中学生家庭室内灰尘中PAHs的主要来源.增量终生致癌风险(Incremental Lifetime Cancer Risk,ILCRs)评价结果表明,3种暴露途径的增量终生致癌风险值为皮肤接触 > 手口摄入 > 呼吸吸入,说明室内灰尘中PAHs主要的暴露途径为皮肤接触.6个采样点的CR值属于可以接受的安全范围,其余采样点均存在潜在健康风险,但均未达到较大的潜在健康风险,仍需引起人们足够的重视.Abstract: To investigate the contamination levels, sources, human exposure and health risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in indoor environment, 15 PAHs were measured in 22 indoor dust samples collected from middle school students' house in the urban area of Xinxiang, China. The results showed that the detection rates of the 15 EPA priority PAHs in the indoor dust samples were all 100%. ∑PAHs concentrations in the indoor dust ranged from 203 to 9500 ng·g-1 with a mean of 2100 ng·g-1. PAHs in indoor dust mainly consisted of 4 ring components, accounting for 38.1% of the total. The isomer ratios indicated that the dust-borne PAHs were derived primarily from the incomplete combustion of grasses, wood and coal. Incremental Lifetime Cancer Risk (ILCR) analysis showed that the ILCRs values of the three exposure pathway ranked as dermal contact > ingestion > inhalation, indicating that the dominant exposure pathway of PAHs in indoor dust was dermal contact. The CR values of six sampling sites were within the acceptable safety range, and the other sampling sites represented potential health risks. PAHs contamination in this study should cause more attention in the future.
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