
程铭, 张波, 何义亮, 沈根祥, 胡双庆. 太浦河金泽水源地抗生素抗性基因赋存特征[J]. 环境化学, 2019, (11): 2405-2414. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2018122802
引用本文: 程铭, 张波, 何义亮, 沈根祥, 胡双庆. 太浦河金泽水源地抗生素抗性基因赋存特征[J]. 环境化学, 2019, (11): 2405-2414. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2018122802
CHENG Ming, ZHANG Bo, HE Yiliang, SHEN Genxiang, HU Shuangqing. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in Jinze Reservoir and surrounding area of Taipu River[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2019, (11): 2405-2414. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2018122802
Citation: CHENG Ming, ZHANG Bo, HE Yiliang, SHEN Genxiang, HU Shuangqing. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in Jinze Reservoir and surrounding area of Taipu River[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2019, (11): 2405-2414. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2018122802


    通讯作者: 张波, E-mail: zhangbo214@sjtu.edu.cn
  • 基金项目:


Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in Jinze Reservoir and surrounding area of Taipu River

    Corresponding author: ZHANG Bo, zhangbo214@sjtu.edu.cn
  • Fund Project: Supported by National Major Project on Water Pollution Control and Management Science and Technology(2017ZX07207002-05).
  • 摘要: 金泽水库是上海市2016年新建水库,对该水源地的抗生素抗性基因(Antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)污染水平进行监测分析对保证其水质安全及采取有效防控措施具有重要意义.本研究采用高通量荧光定量反应及实时荧光定量PCR对研究区域的8个采样点进行了为期1年的监测.结果表明,该水源地全年共检出84—159种ARGs,其中检出的多重抗药类、氨基糖苷类和磺胺类3类ARGs的相对及绝对丰度均最高.春季ARGs的检出丰度最高而冬季最低,并且发现水库对ARGs有富集作用.该水源地水体中大多数类别ARGs与MGEs(mobile genetic elements)存在显著正相关关系;并且存在基因盒模块,其中含有intⅠ-1(clinical)、intⅠ-1LC及tnpA-04,表明水体中ARGs的传播与富集与MGEs密切相关.
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  • 收稿日期:  2018-12-28
程铭, 张波, 何义亮, 沈根祥, 胡双庆. 太浦河金泽水源地抗生素抗性基因赋存特征[J]. 环境化学, 2019, (11): 2405-2414. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2018122802
引用本文: 程铭, 张波, 何义亮, 沈根祥, 胡双庆. 太浦河金泽水源地抗生素抗性基因赋存特征[J]. 环境化学, 2019, (11): 2405-2414. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2018122802
CHENG Ming, ZHANG Bo, HE Yiliang, SHEN Genxiang, HU Shuangqing. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in Jinze Reservoir and surrounding area of Taipu River[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2019, (11): 2405-2414. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2018122802
Citation: CHENG Ming, ZHANG Bo, HE Yiliang, SHEN Genxiang, HU Shuangqing. Occurrence and distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in Jinze Reservoir and surrounding area of Taipu River[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2019, (11): 2405-2414. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2018122802


    通讯作者: 张波, E-mail: zhangbo214@sjtu.edu.cn
  • 1. 上海交通大学环境科学与工程学院, 上海, 200240;
  • 2. 上海市环境科学研究院, 上海, 200233


摘要: 金泽水库是上海市2016年新建水库,对该水源地的抗生素抗性基因(Antibiotic resistance genes,ARGs)污染水平进行监测分析对保证其水质安全及采取有效防控措施具有重要意义.本研究采用高通量荧光定量反应及实时荧光定量PCR对研究区域的8个采样点进行了为期1年的监测.结果表明,该水源地全年共检出84—159种ARGs,其中检出的多重抗药类、氨基糖苷类和磺胺类3类ARGs的相对及绝对丰度均最高.春季ARGs的检出丰度最高而冬季最低,并且发现水库对ARGs有富集作用.该水源地水体中大多数类别ARGs与MGEs(mobile genetic elements)存在显著正相关关系;并且存在基因盒模块,其中含有intⅠ-1(clinical)、intⅠ-1LC及tnpA-04,表明水体中ARGs的传播与富集与MGEs密切相关.

English Abstract

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