Effects of particle size on the adsorption of ciprofloxacin on polystyrene microplastics
摘要: 微塑料对环境污染物具有较高的吸附性能,然而粒径对微塑料吸附行为的影响数据仍较缺乏.本文以环丙沙星(CIP)为目标污染物,系统研究两种不同粒径聚苯乙烯微塑料(PS,8.8 μm和50.4 μm)对CIP的吸附行为.结果表明,两种粒径PS微塑料对CIP均有一定吸附效果,但8.8 μm PS微塑料的吸附性能明显高于50.4 μm.环境条件可影响PS微塑料对CIP的吸附行为,8.8 μm PS微塑料在中性和弱碱性pH下对CIP吸附性能最大,而对于50.4 μm PS微塑料,pH变化对其吸附性能的影响不明显.低温条件更有利于PS微塑料对CIP的吸附.PS微塑料对CIP的吸附动力学更符合准二级方程且吸附等温线可用Langmuir模型较好拟合,表明微塑料对CIP的吸附以表面单层吸附方式为主.同时,相对于超纯水体系,8.8 μm和50.4 μm PS微塑料在天然水环境对CIP的吸附性能极大降低,分别达到40.3%和78.8%,该现象可能是由于天然水体中的无机离子和有机物与CIP竞争吸附位点所致.本研究证实了小粒径微塑料重要的载体作用,为评价微塑料对环境污染物的迁移提供关键的科学依据.Abstract: In the environment, microplastics (MPs) show relatively high adsorption capacities for pollutants; but the effect of particle size on adsorption behavior is not fully understood. In this work, the adsorption for ciprofloxacin (CIP) on polystyrene (PS) MPs with different particle sizes (8.8 μm and 50.4 μm) was investigated. Results showed that both of PS MPs showed certain adsorption capacities for CIP, whereas the adsorption capacities of 8.8 μm PS were significantly higher than those of 50.4 μm ones. Environmental conditions could affect the adsorption behavior of PS MPs. 8.8 μm PS MPs exhibited favorable adsorption for CIP under neutral and weakly alkaline pH, while for 50.4 μm ones, the effect of pH was not obvious. Low temperature facilitated the adsorption of CIP on both sized PS MPs. The adsorption kinetics of PS MPs toward CIP was well-described by a pseudo second-order model, and the adsorption isotherm could be better fitted by Langmuir model, indicating that the adsorption occurred on uniform surface via monolayer adsorption. More importantly, the adsorption capacities of CIP on 8.8 μm and 50.4 μm PS MPs were significantly decreased in natural water sample (Yangtze River), with 40.3% and 78.8% lower than those in ultrapure water system, respectively. This might be ascribed to the competition of inorganic ions and natural organic matter in the Yangtze River water for adsorption sites on MPs with CIP. The study revealed essential information of smaller-sized MPs as a vector for the migration of environmental pollutants.
Key words:
- polystyrene /
- particle size /
- ciprofloxacin /
- pH /
- natural water
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