Molten salt in removal of phosphorus in incinerated sewage sludge ash with thermodynamics models
摘要: 利用碳还原剂和氯化钙熔盐药剂在1100℃下还原污泥焚烧灰中的磷酸盐为气态磷单质并去除,采用X射线衍射分析(XRD)残渣的组成和热重质谱(TGA-MS)分析反应过程.结果表明,添加氯化钙可显著提高污泥焚烧灰除磷效率,氯化钙的最优添加量为25%质量分数,此时污泥焚烧灰除磷效率为82%.XRD结果显示,污泥焚烧灰经熔盐处理后形成了氯磷灰石(chlorapatite),珍珠云母(margarite)等物质,其中氯磷灰石的形成有利于焚烧灰中磷的还原.对TGA-MS结果进行热解动力学反应拟合,结果显示,污泥焚烧灰除磷反应在添加少量氯化钙添加时为均相反应;污泥焚烧灰除磷反应在添加较多氯化钙时为固相扩散反应.固相反应的发生有利于降低磷酸盐还原反应温度并提高去除效率.Abstract: Phosphate in the Incinerated Sewage Sludge Ash (ISSA) was removed by carbon reducing agent and molten salt agent at 1100 ℃. The composition of the residue was analyzed by X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and thermogravimetric mass spectrometry (TGA-MS) reaction process. The results showed that the addition of calcium chloride could significantly improve the phosphorus removal efficiency of sludge incineration ash. The optimal amount of calcium chloride was 25% by mass. At this time, the phosphorus removal efficiency of sludge incineration ash was 82%. XRD results showed that chlorapatite, margarite and other substances were formed after ISSA was treated with molten salt. Among them, the formation of chlorapatite was beneficial to the reduction of phosphorus in ISSA. The pyrolysis kinetics reaction fitting of TGA-MS results showed that the phosphorus removal reaction of ISSA was a homogeneous reaction when a small amount of calcium chloride added; and solid phase diffusion reaction occurred when more calcium chloride added. The occurrence of solid phase reaction was beneficial to reduce the temperature of phosphate reduction reaction and improve the removal efficiency.
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