Distribution characteristics and source analysis of dissolved trace metal elements in the Yuan River
摘要: 为研究袁河水系水体溶解态痕量金属元素污染来源与水质状况,分别于2018年7月和2019年1月在袁河干流和支流采集38个表层水样,检测了痕量金属元素Cr、Fe、Mn、As、Al、Cd、Ni和Tl的浓度.采用单因素方差分析分析袁河水系痕量金属元素的时空特征,基于痕量金属元素水质指数评价袁河痕量金属元素污染程度,采用相关分析、主成分分析探讨痕量金属元素污染的主要来源.结果表明,袁河部分金属元素时间或空间差异显著,Cr、Cd、As浓度在丰、枯水期之间差异显著,Fe、Cd、Tl浓度在干、支流之间差异显著.袁河丰、枯水期污染程度相似,主要污染河段位于宜春河段和新余河段,重度污染采样点基本上位于支流.痕量金属元素中Cr、Fe、As主要来源于城市废水,工业活动和采矿活动;Ni、Cd、Tl主要来源于生活污水和工业废水;Mn、Al主要来源于自然活动和采矿活动.本研究可以为袁河流域的痕量金属元素污染治理提供科学依据.Abstract: In order to study the source of dissolved trace metal element pollution and water quality status of the Yuan River, we collected 38 surface water samples in the mainstream and tributaries in July 2018 and January 2019, and investigated the concentrations of trace metal elements Cr, Fe, Mn, As, Al, Cd, Ni and Tl. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze the spatio-temporal characteristics of trace metal elements in the Yuan River. The metal element pollution status of the Yuan River was assessed based on the trace metal element water quality index. Correlation analysis and principal component analysis were used to explore the main sources of trace metal element pollution. The results showed that several trace metal elements had significant temporal or spatial differences. The concentrations of Cr, Cd and As were significantly different between the wet and dry seasons, and the concentrations of Fe, Cd and Tl were significantly different between the mainstream and tributaries. The pollution levels of the Yuan River in the wet season and dry season were similar, and the main polluted sections were located in Yichun River Section and Xinyu Section and severe pollution samplings were basically located in tributaries. Cr, Fe and As mainly come from urban sewage industrial activities and mining activities, Ni, Cd and Tl mainly resulted from domestic sewage and industrial wastewater, and Mn and Al mainly originated from natural activities and mining activities. This study can provide a scientific basis for the control of trace metal element pollution in the Yuan River Basin.
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