铜矿冶炼渣(以下简称铜渣)是火法炼铜的副产物,我国90%以上的铜是通过火法冶炼生产的[1]. 据估计,每生产1 t铜,就会产生大约2.2 t的铜渣,每年世界铜生产产生的铜渣约为2460万t[2]. 长期堆放的铜渣在风化和淋洗作用下易释放出Cu、Fe、Ni、Zn、Pb、As、Co[3-4]等金属离子. 释放出的金属离子首先进入土壤、农作物、地表水和地下水,然后通过食物链富集于人体内,对人类安全造成严重威胁. 张云等[5]对云南省某典型铜尾矿库的研究结果表明,尾矿区及周边区域受Cu污染最严重,其平均CF(各类重金属污染指数)值达到高度污染水平,Cd达到中度及以上污染水平. 张卫等[6]对HTM铜矿尾矿库污染特征的研究结果表明,尾矿库表层尾矿在闭库20年间持续释放的Cd为516.38 kg,Zn为42.24 t. 黄长干等[7]对江西德兴铜矿采矿区、尾矿堆积区、生活区以及下游河流大圬河、乐安河的水域、土壤铜污染状况进行调查,结果表明矿区铜污染极为严重,土壤中铜含量平均高达186 mg·kg−1,大圬河河水铜含量在15—30 mg·L−1之间,底泥的铜含量在500—9000 mg·kg−1之间,乐安河的底泥铜含量达500 mg·kg−1. 由此可见,铜矿冶炼渣对环境危害极大.
铜矿选冶渣(The reselected copper smelting slag,RCSS)是铜渣再次选别产生的尾渣,其可回收利用价值低,具有独特的的环境危害性. 目前,国内外对铜渣的研究较多,主要集中在有价金属回收、资源化利用和材料制备上[8-12],而对铜矿选冶渣的研究鲜有报道. 为此,本文以四川某铜矿选冶渣为研究对象,采用硫酸硝酸法、改进的BCR、风险评估编码(risk assessment coding,RAC)和次生相与原生相比值(phase and primary comparison,RSP)等方法评价铜矿选冶渣的综合理化特性及环境污染特性,为铜矿选冶渣科学处理处置提供基础数据.
Comprehensive physicochemical properties and environmental pollution characteristics evaluation of the reselected copper smelting slag
摘要: 针对铜矿选冶渣组成复杂、环境特性不清和治理修复难度大等问题,采用矿物解离分析仪(MLA)、X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)和同步热分析仪-傅里叶变换红外气相色谱质谱联用仪(STA-FTIR-GCMS)等分析测试仪器研究铜矿选冶渣的综合理化特性;运用毒性浸出程序(TCLP)、改进的三步提取(BCR)、风险评估编码(RAC)和次生相与原生相比值(RSP)等方法研究铜矿选冶渣的环境污染特性. 结果表明,铜矿选冶渣多呈团聚状,体积平均粒径为54.18 μm,主要含铁橄榄石(75.33%)、磁铁矿(12.15%)、黑云母等物相. 硫酸硝酸法测得的铜矿选冶渣Cr、Cu、Zn和Pb浓度未超过《危险废物鉴别标准 浸出毒性鉴别》规定的危废限值,该铜矿选冶渣为一类一般工业固体废物.RAC法和RSP法评价结果表明,Cu是铜矿选冶渣的主要防治对象,Fe、Zn、Pb是铜矿选冶渣的次要防治对象. 研究结果为铜矿选冶渣的安全处理和处置提供了基础数据.
- 铜矿选冶渣 /
- 综合理化特性 /
- 环境污染特性 /
- 风险评估编码法(RAC) /
- 次生相与原生相比值法(RSP).
Abstract: The composition of the reselected copper smelting slag (RCSS) is complex, the environmental characteristics is unclear and the treatment and restoration are difficult. The comprehensive physicochemical properties of RCSS were determined by mineral dissociation analyzer (MLA), X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS) and synchronous thermal analyser-Fourier Transform infrared gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (STA-FTIR-GCMS). The environmental pollution characteristics of RCSS were analysed using toxic leaching procedure (TCLP) , modified BCR (three step extraction) , risk assessment coding (RAC) , phase and primary comparison (RSP). The results show that RCSS is mainly agglomerated with an average particle size of 54.18 μm. It mainly contains fayalite (75.33%), magnetite (12.15%), biotite and other phases. The concentration of Cr, Cu, Zn and Pb of RCSS measured by sulphuric acid & nitric acid method did not exceed the limit of hazardous waste specified in "Identification standards for hazardous wastes-Identification for extraction toxicity", and RCSS is a kind of general industrial solid waste. The evaluation results of RAC method and RSP method show that Cu is the main control object of RCSS, while Fe, Zn and Pb are the secondary control object. This study can provide a basis for the safe treatment and disposal of RCSS. -
表 1 RAC法和RSP法评价标准
Table 1. Evaluation criterion of RAC method and RSP method
RAC methodRSP法
RSP methodRAC值
RAC value划分标准
Partition criterionRSP值
RSP value划分标准
Partition criterion1 RAC<1% 无风险 RSP≤1 无污染 2 1%≤RAC<10% 低风险 1<RSP≤2 轻度污染 3 10%≤RAC<30% 中风险 2<RSP≤3 中度污染 4 30%≤RAC<50% 高风险 RSP>3 重度污染 5 ≥50% 极高风险 — — 表 2 铜矿选冶渣元素组成(质量分数,%)
Table 2. Elementary composition of RCSS (mass fraction, %)
Fe2O3 SiO2 ZnO CaO Al2O3 SO3 PbO K2O MoO3 TiO3 CuO MgO 65.94 19.16 4.36 3.10 1.98 1.01 0.89 0.79 0.57 0.4 0.4 0.24 As2O3 NaO Sb2O3 P2O5 Co3O4 MnO BaO Cl IrO2 Cr2O3 ZrO2 SrO 0.2 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.04 0.02 0.01 表 3 尾矿、冶炼渣及选冶渣部分组分含量(质量分数,%)
Table 3. Partial component content of tailing, smelting slag and reselected smelting slag (mass fraction, %)
Sample nameFe Cu Zn Pb Cr SiO2 Al2O3 CaO MgO 尾矿Tailing 7.66 0.04 0.0054 0.011 0.0038 52.03 13.34 5.76 2.21 冶炼渣Smelting slag 36.81 1.80 2.36 0.48 0.044 17.84 1.78 2.97 0.19 选冶渣Reselected smelting slag 44.0 0.18 2.57 0.54 0.051 19.16 1.98 3.10 0.24 表 4 铜矿选冶渣中Fe、Cu、Zn、Pb的赋存状态(质量分数,%)
Table 4. Occurrence state of Fe, Cu, Zn and Pb in RCSS (mass fraction, %)
Fe Pb 赋存矿物 铁橄榄石 磁铁矿 黑云母 黄铁矿 硅酸铅 方铅矿 含量 75.68 21.66 1.59 0.05 97.96 2.04 Cu Zn 赋存矿物 黄铜矿 硅酸铜 金属铜 孔雀石 硅酸锌 磁铁矿 闪锌矿 含量 74.10 19.58 4.71 1.57 86.90 10.56 2.54 注:铜矿选冶渣中Zn主要赋存在铁橄榄石中形成硅酸锌固溶体,其次赋存在磁铁矿中形成氧化锌固溶体;少量Cu形成硅酸铜赋存在铁橄榄石中.
Note: Zn mainly occurs in fayalite to form zinc silicate solid solution, and then occurs in magn-etite to form zinc oxide solid solution. A small amount of Cu forms copper silicate and occurs infayalite.表 5 铜矿选冶渣浸出毒性
Table 5. Leaching concentrations of RCSS
TCLP leaching concentrationUSEPA危废限值/(mg·L−1)
USEPA hazardous waste limit硫酸硝酸法浸出浓度/(mg·L−1)
Sulfuric acid nitric acid leaching concentration国标危废限值/(mg·L−1)
National standard dangerous waste limit valueCr 0.509 15.00 0.122 15 Cu 26.630 NL 5.606 100 Zn 33.667 NL 19.951 100 Pb 29.158 5.00 0.302 5 注:NL指USEPA未给出相应元素的危废限值.
Note: NL means that USEPA does not give the hazardous waste limit of the corresponding element.表 6 RAC法和RSP法评价结果
Table 6. Evaluation results of RAC method and RSP method
RAC value评价等级
Evaluation levelRSP值
RSP value评价分级
Evaluation classificationCr 0.78% 无风险 0.012 无污染 Fe 9.99% 低风险 0.308 无污染 Cu 40.3% 高风险 1.899 轻度污染 Zn 4.97% 低风险 0.222 无污染 Pb 10.07% 中风险 0.158 无污染 -
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