近40年来,在人类活动和气候变化多重压力下,近海水体富营养化生态风险居高不下,部分海域氮磷营养盐、重金属、多环芳烃等典型“传统”污染物生态风险不确定性加大,阻燃剂、抗生素及其抗性基因、全氟化合物、微塑料、放射性核素等“新”污染物的生态风险呈持续上升趋势,这些污染物长期积累有可能加快近海生态系统健康的退化. 渤海是我国唯一的内海,是京津冀协同发展、振兴东北等重大国家战略要地,与黄河流域生态保护与高质量发展陆海相通,是我国重要的生态屏障和经济圈. 长期以来,高强度的陆源污染排放和粗放式的海洋资源开发利用,使渤海生态系统严重受损;根据近几十年来渤海生态环境监控,渤海生态系统始终处于“不健康”或“亚健康”的状态,生态环境质量未见根本性好转. 本文结合国内外前沿研究,对渤海海域的环境污染状况及其研究进展进行总结和归纳,旨在为打赢“十四五”期间渤海重点海域攻坚战提供参考和理论基础.
State of environmental pollution in the Bohai Sea, China: A review
摘要: 近十几年来,在人类活动和全球气候变化多重压力下,渤海的环境污染越来越严重,并导致了海水富营养化加剧、赤潮频发、低氧增多等一系列的生态环境灾害,备受科研工作者的关注. 本文综述了传统污染物(包括营养盐、重金属、有机氯农药、多环芳烃和多氯联苯)和新污染物(包括阻燃剂、抗生素、全氟烷基化合物和微塑料)在渤海中的污染现状及其在海洋生物中的潜在生态风险状况;同时也介绍了渤海主要的生态环境问题及其特点;最后结合研究过程中发现的问题提出了几点未来研究的重点方向. 旨在为打赢“十四五”期间渤海重点海域攻坚战提供参考和理论基础.Abstract: In recent decades, under the multi-pressure from human activities and global climate change, the environmental pollution problems in the Bohai Sea (China) have become more and more serious, resulting in ecological and environmental disasters such as aggravation of seawater eutrophication, increasing frequency and intensity of tides and hypoxia, tec. In this article, the states of traditional pollutants (including nutrients, heavy metals, organochlorine pesticides, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and polychlorinated biphenyls) as well as emerging pollutants (including flame retardants, antibiotics, perfluorinated alkyl substances and microplastics) in the Bohai Sea were reviewed; the characteristics of main eco-environmental problems in the Bohai Sea were introduced; and the focus of future research were indicated. The outcome of this article can lay a solid foundation for winning the tough battle in the key areas of the Bohai Sea during the 14th Five-Year Plan period.
Key words:
- Bohai Sea /
- nutrient /
- traditional pollutants /
- emerging pollutants.
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