地膜主要使用聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)材料制作而成,在自然条件下极难降解[1]. 厚度为0.004—0.008 mm的地膜被广泛使用,因其力学性能较低,耕作后期破损严重,容易形成碎膜[2],长期残留将污染土壤[3],威胁土壤质量的可持续性,当地膜残留超过200 kg·ha−1会影响作物产量[4]. 相对于肉眼可见的碎膜,微米、纳米微塑料则能产生更大的潜在危害[5]. Liu等认为农田地膜的使用可产生微塑料[6]. 当微塑料被土壤动物如蚯蚓、虫类等取食后,会随着食物链传递[7].
我国高度重视耕地保护,不仅要保数量还要提质量[8]. 新疆天山山脉以北,冬季持续时间较长,给当地的种植业和反季节提供新鲜蔬菜带来不便. 为提高作物、蔬菜和果树的产量,我国农用塑料在2019年使用量达到2.4×106 t[9],而新疆是我国地膜使用最多的省份之一,特别是棉花覆盖率已达到100%[10]. 1980年,新疆兵团第八师石河子已经开始使用地膜覆盖栽培技术[11],到2021年新疆地膜使用量和覆盖面积已经稳居全国榜首,农用地膜使用量已高达2.404×105 t[12]. 新疆报道的农用地膜情况大多以露天覆膜为主,但忽略了设施农业用膜状况.
设施农业因其独特的保温作用,解决了新疆冬季无法种植作物这一难题,因此在新疆得到快速推行. 因地膜在新疆的大量使用,从而导致的残留及污染问题备受关注. 为填补新疆设施农业中土壤微塑料的污染情况,本次实验选取北疆某典型县设施农业集中区域,通过野外采样结合室内分析,探讨微塑料在设施农业的土壤深层分布特征及其来源,为新疆设施农业可持续发展提供参考,也可为我国设施农业土壤中微塑料的现状评估和治理保护提供基础数据支撑.
Distribution characteristics of microplastics in typical facility agriculture soil in North Xinjiang
摘要: 以北疆某县为例,研究典型设施农业土壤微塑料的污染分布特征,2023年5月采集该地区3个区域不同土层深度(0—10、10—20、20—30、30—40、40—50、50—60 cm)的土壤样品. 使用饱和氯化钠溶液-密度分离法提取微塑料并用体视显微镜观察. 结果表明,该地区设施农业土壤中微塑料丰度范围为1.442×104—3.882×104 个·kg−1,0—30 cm的土壤微塑料丰度与深度呈负相关性,30—60 cm土壤微塑料随深度有不断累积的趋势;该区域土壤微塑料形状主要有薄膜状、颗粒状、碎片状、纤维状等4种;微塑料颜色有白色70.6%、黑色15.8%、绿色8.1%、蓝色2.7%、红色2.0%、黄色0.7%;微塑料的粒径小于0.5 mm的占比最大;使用拉曼光谱鉴定微塑料的到主要成分以聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)为主;该区域土壤微塑料污染指数达到2.65,微塑料污染程度达到重度. 研究表明,该研究区设施农业微塑料污染普遍较高,需引起重视.Abstract: The distribution characteristics of soil microplastics in a typical facility agriculture in North Xinjiang were studied in the present study. Soil samples at different soil depths (0—10, 10—20, 20—30, 30—40, 40—50, 50—60 cm) were collected from three regions in May 2023 in the study area. The soil microplastics were observed using a stereomicroscope after extracting by saturated sodium chloride solution-density separation method. Results showed that the abundance of soil microplastics in the facility agriculture area ranged from 1.442×104—3.882×104 items·kg−1, The soil microplastics abundance was negatively correlated with the depth at the 0—30 cm depth, while the soil microplastics accumulated continuously at the depth of 30—60 cm. There were four shapes of soil microplastics in the study area including thin film, granular, debris and fiber. The proportions of white, black, green, blue, red and yellow soil microplastics in the study area were 70.6%, 15.8%, 8.1%, 2.7%, 2.0% and 0.7%, respectively. The main components of soil microplastics were polyethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP), and the soil microplastics with particle size less than 0.5 mm was larger than other particle size. The degree of microplastic pollution was severe in the study area with the pollution index of 2.65. Our results indicated that the we should pay attention to the soil microplastic pollution in the study area because the soil microplastic pollution was generally high in facility agriculture in North Xinjiang.
表 1 土壤采样点分布及基本情况
Table 1. Distribution and basic situation of soil sampling sites
Number of sample sites耕作周期
Cultivation cycle种植作物
Raise crops灌溉方式
Irrigation method覆膜时长/a
Coating duration种植频次/(茬·a−1)
Planting frequencyA 5 常年 辣椒、西红柿 喷灌 11 1 B 5 常年 辣椒、西红柿 喷灌 13 1 C 3 常年 辣椒、西红柿、小白菜 滴灌 10 2 表 2 不同地区设施农业土壤微塑料丰度特征
Table 2. Abundance characteristics of microplastics in soil of facility agriculture in different regions
Sampling sites土壤类型
Soil type微塑料丰度/(个·kg−1)
Abundance of microplastics参考文献
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