Effects of calcium amended materials injection on sediment micro-environment under the condition of sediment resuspension
摘要: 在实验室内模拟底泥易悬浮的条件下,探究了底泥注射钙改性材料对底泥微环境及内源磷释放的影响.结果表明注射钙改性材料有利于缓慢持续释放氧气,创造底泥微氧化环境,还原性物质Fe2+、NH4+-N浓度分别平均降低83.95%和74.96%,大幅增加底泥微生物活性.此外,上覆水及间隙水溶解性无机磷(DIP)浓度分别平均下降78.19%和65.63%,有效抑制了内源磷的释放.当受悬浮颗粒影响后,由于有机质的矿化等作用参与溶解氧的竞争,降低了钙改性材料的底泥修复能力.Abstract: The effects of calcium-amended material injection on the microenvironment of sediment and the release of internal phosphorus were investigated under the condition that sediment was easy to be affected by suspended particles in the laboratory. The results showed that the injection of calcium amended material was conductive to slow and sustained release of oxygen, creating a micro-oxidizing environment of sediment, decreasing the concentration of reducing substances such as Fe2+, NH4+-N, up to 83.95% and 74.96%, respectively, and increasing the microbial activity of sediment. In addition, the concentration of dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) in the overlying water and pore water decreased on average by 78.19% and 65.63%, respectively, effectively inhibiting the release of internal phosphorus. Suspended particles reduced the remediation ability of calcium amended material due to the mineralization of organic matter and other effects involved in the competition of dissolved oxygen.
Key words:
- calcium amended material /
- suspended particle /
- dissolved oxygen /
- internal phosphorus /
- sediment
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