Purification effect of effective microorganisms combined with aquatic plants on aquaculture wastewater of pearl mussel
摘要: 以无有效微生物(EM)菌与水生植物的珍珠蚌养殖水体(NSE)作为对照组,对EM菌(EM)、苦草+菹草(VP)、水芹菜+水葱(OS)、苦草+菹草+EM菌(VPE)以及水芹菜+水葱+EM菌(OSE)净化珍珠蚌养殖废水的效果进行了对比研究。实验结果表明,EM、VP、OS对珍珠蚌养殖水体N、P均有较好的净化效果,VPE 与OSE去N、P效果更佳。净化28 d后5组合中VPE对NH+4-N的去除效果最好,去除率达98.79%;OSE对NO-2-N与TN的去除效果最佳,去除率分别达88.09%和91.53%;TP的去除率VPE最高,达91.75%;而COD的去除率以VP最高,达94.97%,效果好于VPE与OSE;EM池水体DO质量浓度第8天达到峰值(9.88±0.61)mg/L,VP、OS、VPE 与OSE均在第16天左右达到峰值。实验数据还表明,EM净化水体效果与VP、OS、VPE 和OSE均存在显著性差异,对照组NSE对水体的净化效果不明显。Abstract: Effects of effective microorganisms (EM),Vallisneria spiralis and Potamogeton crispus (VP), Oenanthe javanica and Scirpusvalidus-Vahl (OS), Vallisneria spiralis and Potamogeton crispus and effective microorganisms (VPE), Oenanthe javanica and Scirpusvalidus-Vahl and effective microorganisms (OSE) with non-EM and non-aquatic plants (NSE) as the control group on purification of pearl mussel aquaculture wastewater were studied. Results showed that EM, VP, OS had good purification effect on N and P in pearl mussel aquaculture wastewater, and effect of VPE and OSE were better than EM, VP and OS. After 28 days continuous purification, purification effect of VPE on NH+4-N was the best among EM,VP,OS,VPE and OSE, and the removal rate of NH+4-N was 98.79%. Purification effect of OSE on NO-2-N was best among EM,VP,OS,VPE and OSE, and the removal rate of NO-2-N was 88.09% after 28 days. For the removal rate of TN, OSE was the highest (up to 91.53%) among them. For the removal rate of TP, VPE was the highest(up to 91.75% ) among them. The effect of VP on the removal of COD was the best among EM,VP,OS,VPE and OSE, and the removal rate of COD was up to 94.97% which was better than OSE and VPE. It was the eighth day that DO concentration of wastewater body reached the highest concentration (9.88 ± 0.61) mg/L in EM pool, and reached peak on about the 16th day for VP、OS、VPE and OSE. Experimental result also showed that there were significant differences between EM and VP、OS、VPE and OSE. The effect of NSE purified pearl mussel aquaculture wastewater was not obvious.
Key words:
- EM /
- aquatic plants /
- combined purification /
- aquaculture wastewater
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