A new process for removing oxidized pollutants from water: Hydrogen-based membrane biofilm reactor
摘要: 水中存在的氧化性污染物不仅对生态环境造成危害,还严重威胁人类健康.传统处理工艺具有能耗大,成本高和易产生二次污染等缺点.为了克服上述缺点并达到高效安全的处理效果,将无泡曝气技术和生物膜技术结合起来,研制出了一种完全区别于生物膜反应器的新兴水处理技术——氢基质膜生物膜反应器(Hydrogen-based membrane biofilm reactor,MBfR).因其具有清洁环保,成本低和高效处理氧化性污染物等优点,成为了大家关注的热点.本文论述了氧化性污染物(无机阴离子、重金属离子、有机化合物)的来源及危害,MBfR的发展简史、工作原理、电子供体的选择以及MBfR去除氧化性污染物的实验效果,并总结了影响MBfR的主要因素以及如何控制这些因素,从而使其更好地工业化应用,最后阐述了MBfR未来的研究方向主要包括膜丝的改进、生物膜的控制、优化反应器结构和操作条件,为后续MBfR的相关研究提供一系列有效的参考.
- 氧化性污染物 /
- 氢基质膜生物膜反应器 /
- 实验效果
Abstract: The oxidized pollutants in water not only do harm to ecological environment, but also seriously threaten human health. The traditional treatment technology will cause large energy consumption, high cost and secondary pollution. To make the process more efficient and safer, a new water treatment technology completely different from biofilm reactor--Hydrogen-based membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR) was developed with the combination of bubble free aeration technology and biofilm technology. It is clean and environmental friendly with low cost and efficient treatment of oxidized pollutants, which makes it a research hotspot. The source and harm of oxidized pollutants (inorganic anions, heavy metal ions, organic compounds) were discussed. The development history of MBfR, its working principle, the selection of electron donor and the experimental effect of removing oxidized pollutants by MBfR, and the experiment effect of MBfR's treatment of oxidized pollutants were introduced. The influence factors of MBfR and how to control these factors were summarized, so as to make better industrial application of it. Finally, the research direction of MBfR in the future was described, which mainly includes improvement of membrane filaments, control of biofilm, optimization of reactor structure and operating conditions. -
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