Measurement and analysis of TVOC emission and rules in reaction resin grout
摘要: 提出了环境舱法测试美缝剂总挥发性有机化合物(TVOC)释放量的方法,对市场常见的美缝剂产品的TVOC进行了测试,并研究了美缝剂的TVOC释放规律和主要污染物.同时对美缝剂的甲醛释放量进行了测试.通过对16种环氧树脂美缝剂产品的数据分析显示,美缝剂产品的甲醛释放量风险较低;75%的产品在第7天的TVOC释放量可达到500 μg·m-3以下.但个别产品在28 d时仍有明显的VOC释放,显示其具有长期缓慢释放的特点.美缝剂释放的主要污染物为苯甲醛与苯甲醇,个别产品检出有甲苯和邻苯二甲酸酯类物质.Abstract: This study proposes a method to evaluate the TVOC emission of reaction resin grout by the environmental chamber. Then TVOC emission performance and main pollutants of the common products in the market was analyzed. The formaldehyde emission was measured at the same time. The data analysis of 16 kinds of reaction resin grout showed that the formaldehyde emission of the products has little risk. The TVOC emission of 75% products can reach below 500 μg·m-3 after the 7th day. However, some products still emit VOC obviously on the 28th day, which showed that they had the characteristics of long and slow release. The main pollutants released were benzaldehyde and benzyl alcohol; and toluene and phthalate esters were detected in some products.
Key words:
- reaction resin grout /
- harmful substances /
- epoxy resin /
- emission rule /
- environmental test chamber
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