Determination and health risk assessment of microcystins in shellfish from Lake Taihu
摘要: 本文调查了太湖环境水体贝类中5种微囊藻毒素microcystins(MCs:MC-RR、MC-YR、MC-LR、MC-LF、MC-LW)的残留水平及其健康风险.采集2017年太湖湖区(梅梁湖和南太湖)的贝类样品(河蚌、河蚬),取可食用组织,经冻干处理后,采用80%甲醇/水溶液涡旋振荡提取,高速离心后的上清液通过HLB固相萃取柱富集净化,采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定样品中MCs的含量.结果表明,MCs的质量浓度在5.00—100.0 μg·L-1范围内呈良好线性关系,相关系数r2均大于0.99.MCs在空白贝类组织中的加标回收率范围为72.4%—82.6%,相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于8%;在太湖贝类可食用组织中都能检测到MC-RR和MC-LR两种常见的MCs,河蚌中藻毒素浓度大于河蚬中藻毒素的浓度,梅梁湖河蚌中总藻毒素含量为0.877 mg·kg-1 dw(干重),高于南太湖河蚌中藻毒素的浓度0.690 mg·kg-1 dw.通过人体健康风险评价模型分析,太湖湖区的贝类存在不同程度的健康风险,其中采集的河蚬样品的风险指数较低,而河蚌样品健康风险指数均大于0.7,接近风险阈值,人类食用河蚌水产品具有一定的潜在健康风险.Abstract: This paper investigated the contamination levels and health risks of five microcystins (MCs: MC-RR, MC-YR, MC-LR, MC-LF, MC-LW) in shellfish from Taihu Lake. The shellfish samples were collected in the Taihu Lake (Meiliang Lake and Southern Taihu Lake) in 2017, and the edible tissues of the shellfish were obtained and lyophilized. MCs were extracted with 80% methanol/water solution from a vortex. The supernatant after high-speed centrifugation was enriched and purified by HLB solid phase extraction column, and the content of MCs in the sample was determined by high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. The results showed that the mass concentration of MCs showed a good linear relationship in the range of 5.00—100.0 μg·L-1, and the correlation coefficient (R2) was greater than 0.99. The spiked recoveries of MCs in blank shellfish tissues ranged from 72.4% to 82.6%, and the relative standard deviation (RSD) values were less than 8%. MC-RR and MC-LR were detected with a relatively high levels in the edible tissues of shellfish from Taihu Lake. The concentration of MCs in Hyriopsis cumingii was higher than that in Corbicula fluminea. The concentrations of MCs in H. cumingii were 0.877 mg·kg-1 dw (dry weight) in Meiliang Lake and 0.690 mg·kg-1 dw in Southern Taihu Lake. Based on the analysis of human health risk assessment models, shellfish in the Taihu Lake region had different degrees of health risks. The risk index of collected C. fluminea samples was low, and the health risk index of H. cumingii samples was greater than 0.7, which was close to the risk threshold.
Key words:
- microcystins /
- shellfish /
- risk assessment /
- Taihu Lake
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