
郭雅欣, 钱宗耀, 龚婷婷, 鲜啟鸣. 太湖贝类中微囊藻毒素的测定与健康风险评估[J]. 环境化学, 2020, (10): 2673-2682. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019120802
引用本文: 郭雅欣, 钱宗耀, 龚婷婷, 鲜啟鸣. 太湖贝类中微囊藻毒素的测定与健康风险评估[J]. 环境化学, 2020, (10): 2673-2682. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019120802
GUO Yaxin, QIAN Zongyao, GONG Tingting, XIAN Qiming. Determination and health risk assessment of microcystins in shellfish from Lake Taihu[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2020, (10): 2673-2682. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019120802
Citation: GUO Yaxin, QIAN Zongyao, GONG Tingting, XIAN Qiming. Determination and health risk assessment of microcystins in shellfish from Lake Taihu[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2020, (10): 2673-2682. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019120802


    通讯作者: 鲜啟鸣, E-mail: xianqm@nju.edu.cn
  • 基金项目:


Determination and health risk assessment of microcystins in shellfish from Lake Taihu

    Corresponding author: XIAN Qiming, xianqm@nju.edu.cn
  • Fund Project: Supported by the Taihu Pollution Control Office of Jiangsu Province (TH 2016301) and the Major Science and Technology Program for Water Pollution Control and Treatment (2017ZX07204004).
  • 摘要: 本文调查了太湖环境水体贝类中5种微囊藻毒素microcystins(MCs:MC-RR、MC-YR、MC-LR、MC-LF、MC-LW)的残留水平及其健康风险.采集2017年太湖湖区(梅梁湖和南太湖)的贝类样品(河蚌、河蚬),取可食用组织,经冻干处理后,采用80%甲醇/水溶液涡旋振荡提取,高速离心后的上清液通过HLB固相萃取柱富集净化,采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定样品中MCs的含量.结果表明,MCs的质量浓度在5.00—100.0 μg·L-1范围内呈良好线性关系,相关系数r2均大于0.99.MCs在空白贝类组织中的加标回收率范围为72.4%—82.6%,相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于8%;在太湖贝类可食用组织中都能检测到MC-RR和MC-LR两种常见的MCs,河蚌中藻毒素浓度大于河蚬中藻毒素的浓度,梅梁湖河蚌中总藻毒素含量为0.877 mg·kg-1 dw(干重),高于南太湖河蚌中藻毒素的浓度0.690 mg·kg-1 dw.通过人体健康风险评价模型分析,太湖湖区的贝类存在不同程度的健康风险,其中采集的河蚬样品的风险指数较低,而河蚌样品健康风险指数均大于0.7,接近风险阈值,人类食用河蚌水产品具有一定的潜在健康风险.
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  • 收稿日期:  2019-12-08
郭雅欣, 钱宗耀, 龚婷婷, 鲜啟鸣. 太湖贝类中微囊藻毒素的测定与健康风险评估[J]. 环境化学, 2020, (10): 2673-2682. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019120802
引用本文: 郭雅欣, 钱宗耀, 龚婷婷, 鲜啟鸣. 太湖贝类中微囊藻毒素的测定与健康风险评估[J]. 环境化学, 2020, (10): 2673-2682. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019120802
GUO Yaxin, QIAN Zongyao, GONG Tingting, XIAN Qiming. Determination and health risk assessment of microcystins in shellfish from Lake Taihu[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2020, (10): 2673-2682. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019120802
Citation: GUO Yaxin, QIAN Zongyao, GONG Tingting, XIAN Qiming. Determination and health risk assessment of microcystins in shellfish from Lake Taihu[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2020, (10): 2673-2682. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2019120802


    通讯作者: 鲜啟鸣, E-mail: xianqm@nju.edu.cn
  • 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 南京大学环境学院, 南京, 210023


摘要: 本文调查了太湖环境水体贝类中5种微囊藻毒素microcystins(MCs:MC-RR、MC-YR、MC-LR、MC-LF、MC-LW)的残留水平及其健康风险.采集2017年太湖湖区(梅梁湖和南太湖)的贝类样品(河蚌、河蚬),取可食用组织,经冻干处理后,采用80%甲醇/水溶液涡旋振荡提取,高速离心后的上清液通过HLB固相萃取柱富集净化,采用高效液相色谱-串联质谱法测定样品中MCs的含量.结果表明,MCs的质量浓度在5.00—100.0 μg·L-1范围内呈良好线性关系,相关系数r2均大于0.99.MCs在空白贝类组织中的加标回收率范围为72.4%—82.6%,相对标准偏差(RSD)均小于8%;在太湖贝类可食用组织中都能检测到MC-RR和MC-LR两种常见的MCs,河蚌中藻毒素浓度大于河蚬中藻毒素的浓度,梅梁湖河蚌中总藻毒素含量为0.877 mg·kg-1 dw(干重),高于南太湖河蚌中藻毒素的浓度0.690 mg·kg-1 dw.通过人体健康风险评价模型分析,太湖湖区的贝类存在不同程度的健康风险,其中采集的河蚬样品的风险指数较低,而河蚌样品健康风险指数均大于0.7,接近风险阈值,人类食用河蚌水产品具有一定的潜在健康风险.

English Abstract

参考文献 (42)



