Determination of ethylene oxide and 2-chloroethanol in medical masks and protective clothing by headspace-gas chromatography
摘要: 本文使用岛津HS-10顶空进样器结合GC-2010 Pro气相色谱仪,建立了顶空-气相色谱法测定医用口罩和防护服中环氧乙烷(EO)和2-氯乙醇(ECH)含量的方法.EO和ECH在配制标样浓度范围内标准曲线线性良好,相关系数在0.999以上,仪器检出限分别为0.012 μg·mL-1和0.13 μg·mL-1.以6针平行进样测试考察方法重复性,两个组分的峰面积RSD均小于5.0%.本方法可应用于医用口罩、防护服等医用防护用品中EO和ECH含量的快速定量测定.Abstract: A headspace-gas chromatography method was established by using Shimadzu HS-10 headspace sampler combined with GC-2010 Pro gas chromatograph, to determine ethylene oxide (EO) and 2-chloroethanol (ECH) in medical masks and protective clothing. The standard curve of EO and ECH was satisfied with the good correlation coefficient (r>0.999), and instrumental limit of detection are 0.012 μg·mL-1 and 0.13 μg·mL-1 for EO and ECH, respectively. The repeatability of the method was assessed with six parallel injection test. The peak area RSD of both components was less than 5.0%. The method was rapid, and successfully applied to determinate EO and ECH in medical protective equipment such as medical masks and protective clothing.
Key words:
- gas chromatography /
- headspace /
- ethylene oxide /
- 2-chloroehtanol /
- medical mask
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