Assessment on contamination and risk of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils in area of steel works in Fujian Province
摘要: 采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS)分析福建某钢铁厂区域不同功能区表层土壤中16种优控PAHs含量,并对其组成、来源和环境风险进行了分析.结果表明,各样点土壤中16种优控PAHs的检出率达到100%,其总含量范围为68.7—18100.6 μg·kg-1,平均值为5084.5 μg·kg-1.7个功能区土壤中PAHs主要以高环(4—6环)为主.异构体比值法分析表明该钢铁厂区域各功能区土壤中PAHs主要来源于石油燃料的燃烧.土样中16种PAHs的TEQBaP为6.01—3110 μg·kg-1,平均值为852 μg·kg-1,7种致癌PAHs对16种PAHs总TEQBaP的贡献达到99.1%,其中BaP和DBA对总TEQBaP的贡献值较大,分别达到61.6%和14.5%.除郊区外,其它6个功能区土壤样品10种PAHs的总TEQBaP都超过荷兰土壤标准目标参考值,表明该钢铁厂区域多数功能区表层土壤均存在潜在的环境风险.Abstract: The concentrations of 16 US EPA PAHs in soils from seven districts in the area of steel works were analyzed by GC-MS, and their distribution, sources and environmental risk were investigated. The results showed that all 16 target PAHs were detected in all of the soil samples. The total concentrations of PAHs in the soils ranged from 68.7 to 18100.6 μg·kg-1, and the average concentration was 5084.5 μg·kg-1. The analysis of PAHs fingerprint indicated that the dominant components were high molecular weight (4—6 ring) PAHs in soil samples. The isomeric ratios analysis revealed that the PAHs in the soils originated mainly from fossil fuel combustion. The toxic ben[a]zopyrene equivalents (TEQBaP) of the 16 PAHs ranged from 6.01 to 3110 μg·kg-1, and the average value is 852 μg·kg-1, 99.1% of which was contributed by 7 carcinogenic PAHs. Among 16 PAHs, BaP and DBA contributed 61.6% and 14.5% to the total TEQBaP respectively. The total TEQBaP of 10 PAHs with target value in 6 soil samples exceeded the Dutch target reference values, which suggested that soils PAHs in some functional areas in the study region may have a potential environmental risk.
Key words:
- soil /
- PAHs /
- sources /
- risk analysis /
- steel works
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