Establishment of a QSAR model based on the joint effects of quorum sensing inhibitors and sulfonamides on Escherichia Coli
摘要: 以大肠杆菌为模式生物,分别测定了7种磺胺(SAs,分别为磺胺二甲基嘧啶(SCP)、磺胺吡啶(SPY)、磺胺甲恶唑(SMX)、周效磺胺(SDX)、磺胺喹恶磷(SQ)、磺胺对甲氧嘧啶(SM)、磺胺甲氧哒嗪(SMP)),及3种群体感应抑制剂(QSIs,分别为3-甲基-2-(5H)-呋喃酮(MF)、N-乙烯基吡咯烷酮(VP)、(R)-3-吡咯烷醇(HPL))的单一毒性和联合毒性,并且采用分子对接技术建立了QSIs与SAs对大肠杆菌联合毒性的QSAR模型.结果表明其联合毒性效应表现为拮抗和相加作用;同时,基于SAs和QSIs分别与它们的目标靶蛋白二氢叶酸合成酶(DHP5)与大肠杆菌家族蛋白(SdiA)之间相互作用的结合能(Ebinding)和混合物的辛醇-水分配系数Kow(mix)构建了SAs和QSIs对大肠杆菌的二元联合毒性的QSAR模型,具有较好的相关性(R2为0.901).该模型经过验证,具有良好的预测能力(预测值与实测值的R2为0.913),研究可为今后抗生素与群体感应抑制剂的环境联合生态风险评价以及毒性预测提供一定的理论依据和技术支持.Abstract: Single and combined toxicity of seven sulfonamides (SAs) and three quorum sensing inhibitors (QSIs) were measured on the model organism E. coli. The results showed that their joint toxic actions were antagonism and addition. In addition, molecular docking was used to calculate the Ebinding value by stimulating the interactions of SAs and QSIs with Dihydro folate synthase (DPHs) and E. coli fami protein SdiA. Based on the Ebinding value and the octanol-water partition coefficient Kow(mix), the QSAR model of joint effects of SAs and QSIs was established with a good correlation (R2=0.901). The work can provide a theoretical basis and technical support on the ecological risk assessment and prediction of joint effects of SAs and QSIs.
Key words:
- quorum sensing inhibitor /
- sulfonamide antibiotics /
- Escherichia Coli /
- combined toxicity
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