Health risk evaluation of children caused by water pollutants in Qingshui River
摘要: 为研究黄河宁夏段一级支流(清水河)汛期水环境污染物对儿童健康影响,2012-2016年5月在清水河7个典型断面进行了水样采集和水质检测,综合考虑各种饮水、皮肤接触途径,对流域上游周边儿童的饮水、饮食及涉水行为进行抽样问卷调查和实际测量,研究获得当地儿童夏季饮水、皮肤暴露参数,并对清水河水环境污染物通过各种饮水、皮肤接触途径对儿童所致健康风险进行了研究.结果表明,儿童饮水、皮肤暴露参数受区域、性别、城乡、饮食、生活习惯等影响而使不同儿童群体所面临的水环境健康风险存在明显的差异性;在同样的污染背景下,女童面临的健康风险高于男童面临的健康风险,城市女童、农村男童所面临的健康风险分别高于农村女童和城市男童面临的健康风险,皮肤暴露风险高于饮水暴露风险,头部、脸及手是儿童健康风险较高的身体部位;清水河水环境化学污染物对儿童所致健康总风险的数量级在10-5-10-4 a-1之间,且总体上从源头到黄河入河口在逐渐增大,其中在韩府湾、王团及泉眼山超过1×10-4a-1,为重点污染控制断面,整个流域2012-2016年水环境质量总体不太稳定.Abstract: In order to investigate the impact of water pollutants on children's health in the first-class tributary of Ningxia section of the Yellow River (Qingshui River) in the flood season, water samples were collected and water quality was detected in seven typical sections of Qingshui River in May of every year from 2012 to 2016. Considering all possible exposure ways through drinking water and dermal contact, sampling questionnaire survey and actual measurement of drinking water, diet and water-related activities of children in the upper reaches of the river basin were carried out. The drinking water-related exposure factors and dermal exposure factors of local children in the summer were obtained. The risk to children's health caused by the pollutants in water environment of Qingshui River was studied through various ways of drinking water and dermal contact. The results show that:Children's drinking water-related exposure and dermal exposure were affected by a serious of factors such as location, gender, urban and rural areas, diet, living habits and so on, which make the risk of water environment health of different groups of children obviously different; In the same context of pollution, girls face higher health risks than boys, and urban girls and rural boys face higher health risks than rural girls and urban boys respectively. The risk of dermal exposure is higher than that of drinking water. Head, face and hands are the body parts with higher risk for children's health. The magnitude of the total environmental health risk to children caused by chemical pollutants in the water environment of Qingshui River is between 10-5-10-4a-1. In general, from the source to the estuary of the Yellow River, it is gradually increased, among which more than 1×10-4a-1 in Hanfuwan, Wangtuan and Quanyanshan, which are the key pollution control sections. Overall water environmental quality in the whole basin is not stable in 2012-2016.
Key words:
- flood season /
- Qingshui River /
- water environment health risk /
- exposure factors /
- children
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