图 1 溶藻进程紫外-可见光光谱图
Figure 1. The ultraviolet-visible spectra of the process of cyanobacterium -lysing
图 2 溶藻进程三维荧光图(稀释5倍)
Figure 2. 3-d fluorescence spectra of the process of cyanobacterium -lysing(5 times dilution)
图 3 溶藻进程红外光谱图
Figure 3. The infrared spectra of the process of cyanobacterium -lysing
图 4 录像回放XXG菌溶藻进程(1 -6 d)
Figure 4. Video playback of the process of cyanobacterium -lysing of XXG(1 -6 d)
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