图 1 企业主要生产工艺及采样点位置
Figure 1. The main production process and sampling location of the enterprises
图 2 制药企业A、B各点位PAMs排放特征
Figure 2. PAMs emission characteristics at different points of pharmaceutical enterprise A and B
图 3 A企业 VOCs 种类和 VOCs 组分RTO处理前后的浓度及脱除效率
Figure 3. VOCs type, VOCs concentration and removal efficiency before and after RTO treatment in enterprise A
图 4 A企业 VOCs 种类和 VOCs 组分“UV光氧+水喷淋”处理前后的浓度及脱除效率
Figure 4. VOCs type, VOCs concentration and removal efficiency before and after UV photo-oxygen and water spray treatment in enterprise A
图 5 B企业 VOCs 种类和 VOCs 组分“UV光氧+水喷淋”处理前后的浓度及脱除效率
Figure 5. VOCs type, VOCs concentration and removal efficiency before and after condensation+spray+activated carbon adsorption treatment in enterprise B
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