图 5 不同毒性条件下斑马鱼的BS值曲线[86] a) 对照组;b) 0.1 mg·L−1铊;c) 20 mg·L−1溴氰菊酯;d) 2 mg·L−1溴氰菊酯;e) 30 mg·L−1莠去津;f) 3 mg·L−1莠去津; 圈中为规律异常处
Figure 5. BS value curve of zebrafish under different toxicity conditions [86] a) control group ;b) 0.1 mg·L−1 thallium; c) 20 mg·L−1 deltamethrin; d) 2 mg·L−1 deltamethrin; e) 30 mg·L−1 atrazine; f) 3 mg·L−1 atrazine; In the circle is the abnormal place
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