我国是印染大国,纺织印染行业是我国的支柱产业之一。2016年,我国规模以上印染企业印染布产量9.7×1010 m[1],在环保压力提升的背景下,中小企业因环保压力被动停产或寻求兼并,印染行业的区域集中度逐渐提高。我国印染行业主要集中在东部沿海地区,截至2015年,浙江地区已经汇集了全国接近63%的印染行业产能[2]。印染行业在带来巨大经济利益的同时,也带来了非常严重的环境污染问题[3],尤其是VOCs的污染问题。印染行业作为纺织行业的关键行业,生产过程中需要使用大量挥发性助剂,目前我国印染助剂年使用量为1.2×105 t[4],助剂的大量使用导致了严重的VOCs污染,2012年,长江三角洲区域纺织印染行业VOCs总排放量达到7.5×104 t[5]。VOCs与PM2.5的形成有密切关系,也是光化学烟雾的源头,如果未经治理的印染废气大量排放,会直接影响大气环境,部分有毒VOCs长期累积排放会直接影响企业职工的身体健康,容易造成职工的呼吸道疾病,甚至发生癌变,还会影响周边居民的生活质量[6],印染行业的VOCs排放问题也因此获得重点关注。我国于2015年推出了《纺织染整工业大气污染物排放标准》[7],其中关于VOCs的各项标准相比于之前沿用的《大气污染物综合排放标准》[8]和《恶臭污染物排放标准》[9]更加严格。目前,我国缺乏印染废气尤其是VOCs的产生特征及去除特性研究,这增加了印染废气的处理难度,因此,研究印染行业VOCs产生特征是十分必要的。
Characteristics of VOCs production and removal in a dyeing enterprise of Zhejiang province, China
摘要: 为探究印染行业生产过程中挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds, VOCs)的产生特征及现有控制措施对VOCs的去除效果,选取浙江某典型印染企业作为研究对象,调查了该企业主要VOCs污染源(包括定型机、配料间及污水站)的废气产生特征,测定和评价了各废气处理装置对VOCs的去除效果。结果表明,该企业定型机、配料间及污水站产生的有组织废气总流量分别为8.6×105、7.4×104、2.8×104 m3·h−1,产生的VOCs平均浓度分别为14.7、9.0和14.9 mg·m−3,有组织废气源VOCs的年产生总量约为80 t。定型车间、印染车间和污水站附近无组织VOCs的平均浓度分别约为0.66、0.16和0.59 mg·m−3。产生的典型VOCs包括苯甲酸苄酯、五氟丙酸三十八烷酯、乙二醇单丁醚、十六烷、异喹啉等。定型机废气采用“冷却+静电”或“喷淋+静电”工艺处理,其对VOCs的去除率仅为2%~6%。配料间和污水站产生废气采用“碱洗+次氯酸钠洗涤”工艺处理,其对VOCs的去除率为8%~58%。研究结果可为印染行业VOCs污染控制提供参考。Abstract: This study aimed at revealing the VOCs production characteristics and the removal effect by the existing control measures in the typical printing and dyeing industry. A typical printing and dyeing enterprise which has three plants and a waste water treatment plant(WWTP) in Zhejiang were selected to investigate the exhaust gas production characteristics from VOCs pollution sources (heat-setting machine, dosing room and WWTP), and the VOCs removal effects by exhaust gas treatment devices were tested and evaluated. The results showed that the organized exhaust gas flow from heat-setting machine, dosing room and WWTP were 8.6×105, 7.4×104 and 2.8×104 m3·h−1, and the VOCs concentrations were 14.7, 9.0 and 14.9 mg·m−3, respectively. The total VOCs production from organized exhaust gas sources in this enterprise was 80 t per year. The average concentration of unorganized VOCs beside heat-setting machine, dosing room and WWTP were 0.66, 0.16 and 0.59 mg·m−3, respectively. Typical VOCs included octatriacontyl pentafluoropropionate, ethylene glycol monobutyl ether, benzyl benzoate, hexadecane, isoquinoline, etc. The exhaust gas from heat-setting machine was treated by the process of cooling and electrostatic precipitation (ESP) or water spaying and ESP, and their VOCs removal rates were only between 2% and 6%. The exhaust gas from dosing room and WWTP was treated by the process of sodium hypochlorite and alkali spraying, and its VOCs removal rate was between 8% and 58%. The research results can provide theoretical support for VOCs pollution control in printing and dyeing industry.
Key words:
- printing and dyeing industry /
- exhaust gas characteristics /
- VOCs /
- heat-setting machine
表 1 各有组织废气源废气特征
Table 1. Characteristics of organized exhaust gas from different sources
废气源 分厂 废气产生量/
(104 m3·h−1)VOCs浓度/
(104 m3·h−1)总VOCs产生
速率/(kg·h−1)定型机 A 1.9±0.3 14.5±0.6 45 86.9±9.9 12.8±1.6 定型机 B 1.7±0.2 15.7±0.5 定型机 C 2.0±0.2 14.1±0.9 配料间 B 1.8±0.4 8.8±0.1 5 7.4±2.9 6.57±0.31 配料间 C 1.3±0.4 9±0.2 污水站 — 2.8±0.2 14.9±0.7 1 2.8±1.5 4.13±0.6 -
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