集中居住区初期地表径流是指中大雨量降雨初期(前10~15 min)在硬质化地面汇聚而成的水流。农村集中居住区缺乏适宜的径流处理设施,污染物浓度较高的初期地表径流常常直接排入河道,引发受纳水体或河道支浜的富营养化问题[1]。据报道,在降雨量达6~8 mm时,径流中的污染物浓度占整场雨量的60%;当降雨量达到10 mm时,污染物占据了80%[2]。近年来,农村水环境问题愈加严重:一是枯水期水资源短缺,但丰水期地表径流大量汇集却无处可去,引起了农民生活区内涝;二是初期地表径流给受纳水体带来的非点源污染的问题[3]。由此可见,采取对农村初期地表径流实施污染拦截与强化净化的措施,从源头上控制进入自然水体的污染负荷很有必要。
Purification effect of initial surface runoff by water-collecting flower bed in rural areas
摘要: 针对农村集中居住区地表硬化,高氮磷浓度的初期地表径流直排进而污染附近河道的问题,设计了“集水花坛-拦截沟”组合工艺,研究了4个不同水力停留时间(HRT)下处理初期地表径流的净化效果。结果表明:“集水花坛-拦截沟”组合工艺利用植物吸收、微生物降解及基质层吸附拦截的综合作用,有效降低了农村初期地表径流中的污染物浓度;在4种HRT条件下,该组合工艺均可快速去除径流水体中的悬浮物SS,去除率达96%以上;当HRT为3 d时,该组合工艺能够显著降低径流水体中的TN、TP及COD值,去除率分别达到90%、90%和75%以上,且出水TN和COD达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002)Ⅲ类水标准,TP浓度达到V类水标准。以上结果可为农村初期地表径流的处理提供技术参考和数据支撑。Abstract: Due to the ground hardening of rural residential areas, the initial surface runoff with high concentrations of nitrogen only directly discharges into the nearby watercourse and makes it pollution. In this study, a combined process of “water-collecting flower bed and intercepting ditch” was designed, and the purification effects of initial surface runoff by it under four different hydraulic retention times (HRT) were analyzed. The results showed that above combined process could effectively reduce the concentrations of pollutants in rural initial surface runoff through plant uptake, microbial degradation and substrate adsorption-interception. Under four different HRTs, this combined process could rapidly remove the suspended solids in runoff water with removal rate over 96%. At HRT of 3 h, this combined process could significantly reduce the concentrations of TN, TP and COD in the runoff water, and the corresponding the removal rates were above 90%, 90% and 75%, respectively. The TN and COD in effluent met the third level water standard of the surface water environment quality standard (GB 3838-2002), and TP in effluent met the fifth level water standard. The above study can provide technical reference and data support for initial surface runoff treatment in rural areas.
表 1 各水力停留时间下植株生物量及氮磷含量
Table 1. Plant biomass, nitrogen and phosphorus content at each hydraulic residence time
植物品种 HRT/d 生物量/g 干物质含量/% 干物质氮含量/% 含氮量/g 干物质磷含量/% 含磷量/g 株高/cm 根长/cm 美人蕉 初始 150.56 9.03±0.51 4.20±0.01 0.57 0.14±0.01 0.019 18±0.66d 6±0.59d 1 170.15 10.22±0.04 6.65±0.03 1.16 0.22±0.03 0.039 24.7±1.5c 10.3±2.1cd 2 190.68 9.95±0.24 8.90±0.02 1.69 0.23±0.02 0.043 38.7±1.5b 15.3±1.5bc 3 226.72 10.54±0.70 5.72±0.04 1.37 0.14±0.08 0.034 46±2.1a 23.2±1.8ab 5 200.54 10.54±0.07 5.62±0.02 1.19 0.17±0.03 0.035 50±2.8a 27±2.5a 再力花 初始 150.32 13.88±0.04 5.82±0.03 1.21 0.20±0.05 0.041 9±0.53c 5±0.58b 1 165.17 15.85±0.19 5.24±0.04 1.37 0.19±0.03 0.048 15.5±1.8c 11.3±2.6b 2 180.45 16.76±0.06 8.00±0.02 2.42 0.23±0.06 0.071 38±2.6b 19±3.5a 3 210.56 15.02±0.12 6.80±0.03 2.15 0.21±0.08 0.066 55.3±3.1a 24±3.7a 5 205.72 15.43±0.17 6.01±0.05 1.91 0.18±0.07 0.056 51.3±2.7a 25±2.4a 注:同一植株测定指标的不同小写字母表示差异显著(P<0.05)。 表 2 植株对初期地表径流中氮、磷的表观去除率
Table 2. Plants contribution to the apparent removal rates of nitrogen and phosphorus in initial surface runoff
HRT/d 地表初期径流表观
率/%氮 磷 氮 磷 氮 磷 1 1.21 0.08 0.75 0.027 61.98 33.75 2 1.81 0.09 1.33 0.054 73.48 60.00 3 4.15 0.17 1.74 0.040 41.93 23.53 5 4.06 0.18 1.32 0.031 32.51 17.22 -
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