一些研究人员[8-11]设计的模拟装置侧重于检验单一烟雾的光化学反应机理,此种装置较为简陋,费时费力。司马文霞等[12-13]设计的装置选择的模拟成分单一,未考虑水雾的影响。还有一些研究人员[14-15]搭建了大型雾霾模拟平台,但设备笨重且造价高昂。周羽生等[16]模拟了体积为15 000 m3的实验环境并给出了模拟雾霾自然沉降曲线图,但未深入研究不同雾霾环境的沉降特征。
Analysis of particle sedimentation effect based on artificial simulation haze-fog device
摘要: 雾霾对人类生活生产的影响日益严重,雾霾治理的研究逐渐受到重视,然而自然雾霾天气的不可预测性增加了研究难度。根据雾霾的组成特点,设计并搭建了一套人工模拟雾霾装置,对雾霾颗粒物的沉降效果进行浓度监测和分析。模拟结果表明:各种环境下,PM10的浓度和沉降速率最高,总浓度占比保持在40%以上,PM2.5浓度占比约为35%,PM1浓度最低,仅占20%~25%;有风环境下,颗粒物的沉降速度明显提高,当沉降时间达到130 min后,PM1的浓度达到20% 以下。装置成功模拟了100 min以上的重度雾霾以及20 min的中度雾霾,可为雾霾治理的研究提供稳定可控的实验环境。综合上述结果,将PM2.5和PM1凝结成PM10,可加速雾霾的消散,对雾霾治理具有重要参考价值。Abstract: The impact of haze-fog on human life and production is becoming increasingly serious, and researches have gradually been paid more attention to haze-fog management than before. However, the unpredictability of natural haze-fog weather will lead to the increase of difficulties in research. According to the composition characteristics of haze-fog, a set of artificial haze-fog simulation device was designed and built to monitor and analyze the concentration of haze-fog particles during their sedimentation process. The simulation results showed that the concentration and sedimentation rate of PM10 were the highest under various environments, its total concentration ratio maintained above 40%, the concentration ratio of PM2.5 was 35%, and the concentration of PM1 was the lowest, only accounting for 20% to 25%. In the windy environment, the sedimentation speed of the particulate matter increased significantly. After 130 min sedimentation, the concentration of PM1 was below 20%. The device successfully simulated severe haze with the duration of longer than 100 minutes and moderate haze with the duration of 20 minutes, which can provide a stable and controllable experimental environment for the research on haze-fog management. The analysis indicated that the condensation of PM2.5 and PM1 into PM10 can accelerate the haze-fog disappearance, which is of great significance to the haze-fog management.
表 1 单一水雾环境各粒径颗粒物浓度占比变化
Table 1. Variation of particle size concentration proportion in single spray environment
环境条件 各粒径颗粒物浓度占比/% 10 min 50 min 90 min 130 min PM1(CF)/PM2.5(CF)(无风扇) 75.15 80.38 78.72 73.52 PM1(CF)/PM10(CF)(无风扇) 70.31 73.41 74.00 70.21 PM2.5(CF)/PM10(CF)(无风扇) 93.56 91.33 94.00 93.45 PM1(自然)/PM2.5(自然)(无风扇) 74.77 80.00 79.03 73.32 PM1(自然)/PM10(自然)(无风扇) 70.04 73.04 74.24 56.16 PM2.5(自然)/PM10(自然)(无风扇) 93.67 91.30 93.94 76.84 PM1(CF)/PM2.5(CF)(有风扇) 47.75 63.57 74.26 76.06 PM1(CF)/PM10(CF)(有风扇) 39.36 55.00 67.37 71.05 PM2.5(CF)/PM10(CF)(有风扇) 82.43 86.52 90.72 93.42 PM1(自然)/PM2.5(自然)(有风扇) 47.67 63.42 74.13 75.53 PM1(自然)/PM10(自然)(有风扇) 39.28 54.77 67.12 71.00 PM2.5(自然)/PM10(自然)(有风扇) 82.40 86.36 90.54 94.00 表 2 单一霾颗粒物环境各粒径颗粒物浓度占比变化
Table 2. Variation of particle size concentration proportion in single haze particle environment
环境条件 各粒径颗粒物浓度占比/% 10 min 50 min 90 min 130 min PM1(CF)/PM2.5(CF)(无风扇) 28.22 48.87 50.94 54.10 PM1(CF)/PM10(CF)(无风扇) 13.60 30.86 33.96 43.42 PM2.5(CF)/PM10(CF)(无风扇) 48.19 63.14 66.67 80.26 PM1(自然)/PM2.5(自然)(无风扇) 28.01 48.30 50.00 59.52 PM1(自然)/PM10(自然)(无风扇) 13.49 30.60 33.02 43.10 PM2.5(自然)/PM10(自然)(无风扇) 48.17 63.36 66.04 72.41 PM1(CF)/PM2.5(CF)(有风扇) 45.03 68.00 71.23 75.64 PM1(CF)/PM10(CF)(有风扇) 29.00 47.22 71.43 74.68 PM2.5(CF)/PM10(CF)(有风扇) 64.40 69.44 94.63 97.44 PM1(自然)/PM2.5(自然)(有风扇) 44.86 68.00 71.43 76.51 PM1(自然)/PM10(自然)(有风扇) 28.83 47.22 71.43 75.92 PM2.5(自然)/PM10(自然)(有风扇) 64.26 69.44 94.52 95.46 表 3 混合雾霾环境的各粒径浓度占比的变化
Table 3. Variation chart of particle size concentration proportion in mixed haze-fog environment
环境条件 各粒径颗粒物浓度占比/% 10 min 50 min 90 min 130 min PM1(CF)/PM2.5(CF)(无风扇) 25.73 45.34 56.91 58.46 PM1(CF)/PM10(CF)(无风扇) 11.97 27.38 38.91 44.97 PM2.5(CF)/PM10(CF)(无风扇) 46.54 60.39 68.36 76.92 PM1(自然)/PM2.5(自然)(无风扇) 25.49 45.63 56.59 56.98 PM1(自然)/PM10(自然)(无风扇) 11.86 27.49 42.44 43.75 PM2.5(自然)/PM10(自然)(无风扇) 46.55 60.23 75.00 76.79 PM1(CF)/PM2.5(CF)(有风扇) 44.91 62.25 68.30 69.25 PM1(CF)/PM10(CF)(有风扇) 35.05 55.04 60.07 63.39 PM2.5(CF)/PM10(CF)(有风扇) 78.06 88.41 87.95 91.53 PM1(自然)/PM2.5(自然)(有风扇) 44.90 62.31 67.94 69.17 PM1(自然)/PM10(自然)(有风扇) 35.03 55.01 59.69 63.45 PM2.5(自然)/PM10(自然)(有风扇) 78.01 88.28 87.86 91.72 -
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