Modeling and operational optimization control of packed tower system for ammonia removal by circulating spray
摘要: 喷淋填料塔是一种常见除氨设备。将喷淋除氨系统作为研究对象,以次氯酸溶液为喷淋液体,并对系统的优化运行进行研究。基于除氨逆流喷淋填料塔效率模型和系统溶液循环动态模型,建立了除氨循环喷淋填料塔系统仿真器,提出了一种以次氯酸溶液消耗量最小为目标的优化控制策略,通过仿真进行了验证,并与其他2个固定喷淋量控制策略进行了对比。与文献数据相比,喷淋填料塔效率模型的偏差在±3%以内,表明建立的仿真器精度较高。仿真验证结果表明:优化控制策略可使排放气体中氨浓度达到国标GB14554的排放限值要求,而且处理后的废液中氨含量低于其他2个控制策略;在相同的运行时长内,优化控制策略与2个固定喷淋量策略对比,次氯酸的消耗量分别节约34%和18%,说明提出的运行优化控制策略可有效节约次氯酸消耗。本研究提出的优化策略可有效提升除氨喷淋填料塔的运行效率。Abstract: Spray packed tower is a common equipment for the treatment of ammonia gas. The spray packed tower system was taken as the research object to study its optimal operation, with hypochlorous acid solution as the spray liquid.. A simulator of the spray packed tower system was established, based on the efficiency model and the dynamic model of solution circulation. An optimal control strategy was developed to minimize the consumption of hypochlorous acid solution, which was verified by simulation and compared with other two control strategies with fixed spray rate. Compared with the experimental data of the literature, the deviation of the efficiency model of spray packed tower was within ±3%, which indicated that the simulation established in this paper had high accuracy. Simulation results showed that the optimal control strategy could maintain ammonia concentration of discharge gas to satisfy the requirement of GB14554, and the ammonia concentration of the waste solution was lower than the other two control strategies. In the same running time, compared with the two fixed spray rate strategies, the consumption of hypochlorous acid could be saved by 34% and 18% respectively, indicating that the proposed optimal control strategy could effectively save the consumption of hypochlorous acid. The optimization strategy proposed in this study can effectively improve the operation efficiency of the packed column for ammonia removal.
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