挥发性有机物 (volatile organic compounds,VOCs) 是土壤和地下水污染物中环境风险高且修复难度大的一类物质,具有化学性质活泼、毒性高、易挥发、易迁移、难管控等特点[1]。若VOCs污染场地未修复彻底就进行再开发利用,可能会导致异味或者有毒VOCs的蒸气入侵问题,引发社会群体性事件,因此,污染场地的修复再利用是环境管理部门关注的重点。
为规范污染场地修复工作,生态环境部先后发布了《建设用地土壤修复技术导则》 (HJ 25.4)、《污染地块风险管控与土壤修复效果评估技术导则》 (HJ 25.5)、《污染地块地下水修复和风险管控技术导则》 (HJ 25.6)、《建设用地土壤污染修复目标值制定指南 (试行) 》等标准指南。这些指南文件有力指导了我国污染场地修复工作,显著提升了相关工作的规范性和科学性。本文拟探讨我国VOCs污染场地修复中仍存在的5个突出问题,剖析这些问题背后的科学机制并提出相应对策建议,以期为环境管理部门加强源头管控、制定针对高风险复杂场地修复治理及安全利用的政策提供参考。
Problems and suggestion for the remediation of volatile organic polluted sites in China
摘要: 挥发性有机物 (VOCs) 具有易挥发、易迁移、环境归趋机制复杂、赋存分布异质性高的特点,这导致VOCs污染场地的修复治理难度较大。在进行房地产开发时,未经彻底修复的VOCs污染场地容易出现蒸气入侵等健康风险问题,甚至引发社会群体性事件,故VOCs污染场地修复是环境管理部门监管的重点。经过十几年的发展,我国场地修复工作在科学性和规范性方面取得了长足进步,但仍存在对VOCs特殊性考虑不足的问题。系统总结了我国VOCs污染场地修复管控及效果评估方面存在的5个问题,并揭示了这些问题背后的科学机制,结合国内外的工程实践经验和科学研究成果对这5个问题提出了有针对性的对策建议,以期为我国VOCs类污染场地修复治理和安全利用提供参考。Abstract: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have the characteristics of highly volatilizaiton, easy migration, complex environmental regression mechanism and high heterogeneity of occurrence and distribution, which makes it difficult to repair and control VOCs polluted sites. In the real estate development, contaminated sites that have not been completely repaired are prone to health risks such as steam invasion, and even cause social group incidents, so VOCs contaminated sites repair is the focus of environmental management departments.. After more than ten years of development, however, consideration of the particularity of VOCs are still insufficient. Five key problems existing in the remediation and remedy assessment were summarized in this paper. Combined with domestic and foreign engineering practice experience and scientific research results, targeted countermeasures and suggestions were put forward for these five problems, in order to provide reference for the remediation and safe utilization of VOCs polluted sites in China.
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