我国是世界上最大的铅、锌生产和消费国之一[1]。据统计,中国的精炼铅产量大约为4.8e+6 t,消费量为4.9e+6 t,占全球产量的42.3%[2]。中国铅锌矿的分布呈现明显的聚集特征,主要分布在云贵川3省交界处、湘粤2省交界处、渝贵湘3省交界处和陕甘两省交界处等[3]。铅锌矿的大规模开采和利用带动了当地经济发展,但在选矿过程中产生的废水、废渣、粉尘等造成的重金属污染也同样对矿区及周边土壤和地下水造成了严重的影响[4-8]。历史遗留选矿厂往往存在大量废渣堆积,经过长期淋溶作用下,大量重金属会在地表生物地球化学作用下被释放和迁移,从而污染矿区及周边土壤和河流[9],进而对周边群众健康和农业生产产生巨大风险[10-12]。研究铅锌矿选矿厂废弃后带来的一系列环境问题,为治理这些问题提供思路和依据已刻不容缓。
Pollution characteristics and risk assessments of heavy metals in soil of concentrator in historical lead-zinc mining area
摘要: 文章选取赣南某历史遗留铅锌矿选矿厂为研究对象,测定了土壤中As、Cd、Pb等14种重金属含量,运用单因子指数法(Pi)、内梅罗综合污染指数法(PN)、地累积指数法(Igeo)分析土壤重金属污染特征,并利用潜在生态风险指数和场地风险评估模型评价研究区风险状况。结果表明,对比我国建设用地土壤二类用地风险管控筛选值,土壤中As、Cd、Pb、Zn的超标率分别为76.6%、6.38%、27.66%、2.13%。选矿厂土壤污染情况已经达到重度污染水平,重金属的污染程度由大到小依次为:As>Cd>Pb>Zn。潜在生态风险指数计算得出,该研究区处于极高生态风险状态,潜在综合生态风险指数达到1892.40。污染场地风险评估计算模型和血铅模型结果表明,在非敏感地类型下土壤中的重金属As 、Pb、 Cd其风险均超过可接受水平。综上,该类地块应重点关注As、Pb和Cd的污染防控。Abstract: A lead-zinc mining area in southern Jiangxi was selected as the research object, a preliminary investigation and detailed investigation of the plot were carried out, In this research, soil contents of 14 heavy metals such as As、Cd、Pb were determined in a historical lead-zinc mining area in southern Jiangxi. At the same time, the pollution characteristic of heavy metals were accessed by methods of the single factor pollution index, Nemerow pollution index, geoaccumulation index and potential ecological risk index and health risk assessment were to evaluated the risk in this area. The results showed that the exceeding rates of As, Pb, Cd and Zn screening values of the second construction land were 76.6%, 27.66%, 6.38% and 2.13%. The single factor pollution index, Nemerow pollution index, and geoaccumulation index evaluations suggested that the soil was heavily polluted by the heavy metals, with the sequence of the result As is the highest, followed by Cd, Pb and Zn. The potential ecological risk assessment stated that RI was 1892.40, indicating a extremely ecological risk in this mining area. Health risk of As, Pb and Cd in the site all exceeded the acceptable risk level, which has threatened the human health. In summary, the pollution control and management should focus on the As, Pb and Cd in these type of sites.
Key words:
- Lead-zinc mining area /
- soil /
- heavy metal /
- pollution characteristic /
- health risk assessment
表 1 土壤重金属含量统计结果
Table 1. Descriptive statistical results of heavy metal content in soil
mg·kg−1 项目 As Cd Pb Zn 平均值 3902.54 15.71 1109.33 910.75 标准差 7600.36 39.68 2301.36 2892.43 偏度 2.84 4.62 3.21 5.81 峰度 9.17 26.67 10.76 38.58 最大值 42000.00 283.00 12200.00 21300.00 最小值 8.10 0.09 6.00 10.00 变异系数 195% 252% 207% 318% 背景值 25.59 1.24 96.70 155.64 第二类用地筛选值 60.00 65.00 800.00 10000.00 注:第二类用地筛选值取至《土壤环境质量建设用地土壤污染风险管控标准(试行):GB 36600—2018》[17]。 表 2 其他省份重金属含量与筛选值的比对结果
Table 2. Comparison of heavy metal content with screening values in other provinces
mg·kg−1 重金属 广东省
会泽县平均值 超出
倍数平均值 超出
倍数平均值 超出
倍数平均值 超出
倍数平均值 超出
倍数平均值 超出
倍数平均值 超出倍数
(第二类)平均值 超出倍数
(第二类)As 533.7 8.9 3875.1 64.59 - - - - 346.83 5.78 148 2.47 23 0.38 - - Cd 13.08 0.2 32.5 0.50 11.04 0.17 28.5 0.44 1.45 0.02 - - 20 0.31 47.57 0.73 Pb 8085.00 10.11 1495.3 1.87 649.40 0.81 2380.0 2.98 100.00 0.13 2370 2.96 879 1.10 2915.97 3.64 Zn 5696.00 0.57 4800.0 0.48 2285.0. 0.23 2495.0 0.25 133.00 0.01 6520 0.65 12480 1.25 7076.09 7.08 注: 超出倍数为与GB36600—2018中第二类用地筛选值对比结果。 表 3 土壤重金属单因子污染指数和内梅罗污染指数计算
Table 3. Results of The Single Factor pollution Index and The Nemerow pollution index Method of heavy metals in soil
重金属 平均值 中位数 标准差 偏度 峰度 最大值 最小值 极差 变异系数 As 152.50 11.96 297.01 2.84 9.17 1641.27 0.32 1640.95 1.95 Cd 12.67 1.18 32.00 4.62 26.67 228.23 0.07 228.15 2.52 Pb 11.47 1.44 23.80 3.21 10.76 126.16 0.06 126.10 2.07 Zn 5.97 0.68 18.47 5.81 38.81 136.85 0.06 136.79 3.09 ${{P} }_{\text{N} }$ 172.28 13.57 343.29 3.08 11.19 1983.99 0.80 1983.19 1.99 表 4 各点位土壤重金属单因子污染指数和内梅罗污染指数污染等级占比
Table 4. The Pollution proportion of The Single Factor pollution Index and The Nemerow pollution index of heavy metals of all samples in soil
重金属 清洁 轻微污染 轻度污染 中度污染 重度污染 As 6.25 7.29 12.5 8.33 65.63 Cd 43.59 21.79 2.56 7.69 24.36 Pb 39.56 18.68 5.49 4.4 31.87 Zn 62.12 15.15 1.52 4.55 16.67 ${ {P} }_{\text{N} } $ 0 4.17 6.25 10.42 79.17 表 5 土壤重金属潜在生态危害指数
Table 5. Potential ecological risk coefficients of heavy metals in soils
潜在生态危害系数( )$E_r^i $ 潜在综合生态风险指数(RI) 项目 砷 镉 铅 锌 平均值 1 525.02 380.19 57.36 5.97 1 892.40 中位数 119.58 35.32 7.19 0.68 198.28 标准差 2 970.05 959.91 118.99 18.47 3 515.86 偏度 2.84 4.62 3.21 5.81 2.62 峰度 9.17 26.67 10.76 38.81 7.40 最大值 16 412.66 6 846.77 630.82 136.85 18 609.17 最小值 3.17 2.18 0.31 0.06 11.85 极差 16 409.50 6 844.60 630.51 136.79 18 597.32 变异系数 1.95 2.52 2.07 3.09 1.86 风险程度 极高 极高 中等 低 极高 表 6 场地健康风险评价结果
Table 6. Health risk assessment results
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