Adsorption of β-cyclodextrin functionalized graphene nanosheets for removal of Acid Scarlet G and Orange Ⅱ in wastewater
摘要: 本文合成了β-环糊精功能化的石墨烯纳米材料(β-CD-GNs),考察了其作为一种新型高效吸附剂对水中酸性大红G(ASG)和橙黄Ⅱ(Orange Ⅱ)的吸附性能.该材料结合了石墨烯和β-环糊精的特性,表现出对所述两种染料良好的吸附性能,吸附平衡时间小于3 min,吸附率达90%以上,β-CD-GNs对ASG和橙黄Ⅱ的最大吸附量为622.2 mg·g-1和534.7 mg·g-1.另外,考察了β-CD-GNs用量、溶液pH、反应温度对吸附效果的影响. 结果表明,当溶液pH值为6.0,β-CD-GNs浓度达到25 mg·L-1时,吸附率最大,而且吸附率随反应温度升高而降低.通过对吸附数据进行线性拟合发现,β-CD-GNs对ASG和橙黄Ⅱ的吸附等温线符合Langmuir吸附等温式.该材料在印染废水的处理领域有潜在的应用价值.
- β-环糊精功能化石墨烯 /
- 吸附 /
- 酸性大红G /
- 橙黄Ⅱ
Abstract: In textile industry, azo dyes and degradation products can be released into environment via wastewater during the dying process. They are toxic, mutagenic or carcinogenic, which pose a threat to human health. This paper describes the synthesis of β-cyclodextrin functionalized graphene nanosheets (β-CD-GNs) and investigation on the removal of dye pollutants. By coupling the distinctive properties of graphene and β-cyclodextrin, β-CD-GNs exhibited excellent adsorption properties for Acid Scarlet G (ASG) and Orange Ⅱ. The adsorption equilibrium time was less than 3 min and the adsorption rate was more than 90%. Moreover, β-CD-GNs show high adsorption ability for both ASG and Orange Ⅱ. The adsorption capacities for ASG and Orange Ⅱ were 622.2 and 534.7 mg·g-1, respectively. The effect of pH and temperature were also investigated. The results indicated that the optimal amount of β-CD-GNs was 25 mg·L-1 and the optimal pH was 6.0. The adsorption behaviors of ASG and Orange Ⅱ on β-CD-GNs conformed to the Langmuir isotherms model. -
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