
凌晨, 刘福强, 韦蒙蒙, 仇欢. Cu(Ⅱ)、Ca(Ⅱ)共存对IRC748树脂吸附四环素的影响与机制[J]. 环境化学, 2016, 35(5): 884-892. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2016.05.2015112504
引用本文: 凌晨, 刘福强, 韦蒙蒙, 仇欢. Cu(Ⅱ)、Ca(Ⅱ)共存对IRC748树脂吸附四环素的影响与机制[J]. 环境化学, 2016, 35(5): 884-892. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2016.05.2015112504
LING Chen, LIU Fuqiang, WEI Mengmeng, QIU Huan. Effect of co-existing Cu(Ⅱ)/Ca(Ⅱ) on the adsorption of tetracycline onto IRC748 resin[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2016, 35(5): 884-892. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2016.05.2015112504
Citation: LING Chen, LIU Fuqiang, WEI Mengmeng, QIU Huan. Effect of co-existing Cu(Ⅱ)/Ca(Ⅱ) on the adsorption of tetracycline onto IRC748 resin[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2016, 35(5): 884-892. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2016.05.2015112504


  • 基金项目:


Effect of co-existing Cu(Ⅱ)/Ca(Ⅱ) on the adsorption of tetracycline onto IRC748 resin

  • Fund Project: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51078178, 51378253).
  • 摘要: 通过静态pH影响、等温线和动力学实验,研究了Cu(Ⅱ)/Ca(Ⅱ)共存对亚氨基二乙酸树脂IRC748吸附四环素(TC)的影响规律.研究结果表明,广泛的pH(2-8)范围内,共存的Cu(Ⅱ)显著促进了IRC748对TC的吸附,而共存的Ca(Ⅱ)会抑制其吸附.TC对Cu(Ⅱ)/Ca(Ⅱ)的吸附影响较小.TC吸附在不同体系中均符合Frendlich模型,亲和力参数Kf随共存Cu(Ⅱ)浓度的增大而增大(约33%),随共存Ca(Ⅱ)浓度的增大而降低(约15%).不同体系中TC吸附动力学均较符合拟二级动力学方程,含Cu(Ⅱ)体系中TC与Cu(Ⅱ)的吸附进程一致.UV-Vis、FTIR、XPS和Cu(Ⅱ)预负载证明了液相中仅Cu(Ⅱ)与TC发生强烈络合,TC因[Cu-TC]络合物吸附(Route Ⅰ)或Cu(Ⅱ)位点的桥联吸附作用(Route Ⅱ)在IRC748上得到增强去除;Ca(Ⅱ)会与TC竞争相同的吸附位点(羧基)而降低TC的吸附.
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  • 收稿日期:  2015-11-25
  • 刊出日期:  2016-05-15
凌晨, 刘福强, 韦蒙蒙, 仇欢. Cu(Ⅱ)、Ca(Ⅱ)共存对IRC748树脂吸附四环素的影响与机制[J]. 环境化学, 2016, 35(5): 884-892. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2016.05.2015112504
引用本文: 凌晨, 刘福强, 韦蒙蒙, 仇欢. Cu(Ⅱ)、Ca(Ⅱ)共存对IRC748树脂吸附四环素的影响与机制[J]. 环境化学, 2016, 35(5): 884-892. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2016.05.2015112504
LING Chen, LIU Fuqiang, WEI Mengmeng, QIU Huan. Effect of co-existing Cu(Ⅱ)/Ca(Ⅱ) on the adsorption of tetracycline onto IRC748 resin[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2016, 35(5): 884-892. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2016.05.2015112504
Citation: LING Chen, LIU Fuqiang, WEI Mengmeng, QIU Huan. Effect of co-existing Cu(Ⅱ)/Ca(Ⅱ) on the adsorption of tetracycline onto IRC748 resin[J]. Environmental Chemistry, 2016, 35(5): 884-892. doi: 10.7524/j.issn.0254-6108.2016.05.2015112504


  • 1. 污染控制与资源化国家重点实验室, 南京大学环境学院, 南京, 210023


摘要: 通过静态pH影响、等温线和动力学实验,研究了Cu(Ⅱ)/Ca(Ⅱ)共存对亚氨基二乙酸树脂IRC748吸附四环素(TC)的影响规律.研究结果表明,广泛的pH(2-8)范围内,共存的Cu(Ⅱ)显著促进了IRC748对TC的吸附,而共存的Ca(Ⅱ)会抑制其吸附.TC对Cu(Ⅱ)/Ca(Ⅱ)的吸附影响较小.TC吸附在不同体系中均符合Frendlich模型,亲和力参数Kf随共存Cu(Ⅱ)浓度的增大而增大(约33%),随共存Ca(Ⅱ)浓度的增大而降低(约15%).不同体系中TC吸附动力学均较符合拟二级动力学方程,含Cu(Ⅱ)体系中TC与Cu(Ⅱ)的吸附进程一致.UV-Vis、FTIR、XPS和Cu(Ⅱ)预负载证明了液相中仅Cu(Ⅱ)与TC发生强烈络合,TC因[Cu-TC]络合物吸附(Route Ⅰ)或Cu(Ⅱ)位点的桥联吸附作用(Route Ⅱ)在IRC748上得到增强去除;Ca(Ⅱ)会与TC竞争相同的吸附位点(羧基)而降低TC的吸附.

English Abstract

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