Transport behavior of perfluorinated sulfonic acids in sandy sediment
摘要: 本工作的目的在于研究全氟磺酸类物质(PFSAs)在典型地下沙质含水层沉积物中的迁移规律,以便于更好地了解地下水中PFSAs的来源和控制措施.通过柱迁移实验获得全氟己烷磺酸(PFHxS)、全氟庚烷磺酸(PFHpS)、全氟辛烷磺酸(n-PFOS)及其两种同分异构体(iso-PFOS-1和iso-PFOS-2)的穿透曲线;用HYDRUS-1D软件中不同的数学模型来模拟穿透曲线,对比确定了最优模拟模型,通过反演推算获取运移参数;并对比了不同PFSAs的迁移规律.研究结果表明,线性一级两位非平衡吸附模型是最优的模拟模型;不同PFSAs的迁移速率有较大的区别:当水流动1000 m时,PFHxS,PFHpS,n-PFOS,iso-PFOS-1和iso-PFOS-2分别迁移了457.1、84.4、67.1、250.8、280.1 m;这种差异与PFSAs分子结构引起的表面吸附特性与分子扩散速率相关.Abstract: This study aimed to investigate the transport behavior of perfluorinated sulfonic acids (PFSAs) in typical sandy provide sediment, and provide better understanding about the source and control of PFSAs pollution in groundwater. Miscible displacement experiments were conducted, and the breakthrough curves of perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS), perfluoroheptane sulfonate (PFHpS), perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and its two isomers (iso-PFOS-1 and iso-PFOS-2), were simulated using different models coupled in HYDRUS-1D software. The best simulation model was determined and the transport parameters were computed by inverse estimation. Results showed that the linear first-order two-site non-equilibrium adsorption model was most suitable for the simulation of PFSAs transport in sandy aquifer sediment. And the transport velocities of PFSAs were remarkably different. When water flowed 1000 m, PFHxS, PFHpS, PFOS, iso-PFOS-1, and iso-PFOS-2 moved 457.1, 84.4, 67.1, 250.8, and 280.1 m, respectively. These differences were related to the surface sorption characteristics and molecular diffusion rate of PFSAs due to their different molecular structures.
Key words:
- perfluorinated sulfonic acids /
- sorption /
- transport /
- sediment /
- breakthrough curve
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