Comparative research on the spectral characteristic of alkane and aromatic hydrocarbon in different fuel oil by GC×GC/TOFMS
摘要: 采用全二维气相色谱-飞行时间质谱(GC×GC-TOFMS)方法对比研究不同沸程燃料油(93号和97号汽油、0号柴油和重柴油)中烃类组分的全二维谱图特征,经过对色谱和质谱条件的优化,较好地实现了不同汽油和柴油中烷烃、规则类异戊二烯烃、十氢化萘系、四氢化萘系、萘系、菲系等族组分分离和目标化合物分离,各族化合物均呈现显著的"瓦片效应"的特征.4类燃料油的烃类碳骨架分布、正构烷烃与姥鲛烷和植烷的比值以及不同族化合物的相对丰度等存在较显著的差异.Abstract: Comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC×GC-TOFMS) was employed to compare and analyze the group-type separation characteristics of alkane, rule-type isoprenoids, decalin, tetralin, naphthalene and phenanthrene in 0# diesel, heavy diesel, 93# and 97# gasoline with different boiling ranges. Group composition and target compounds separation of different gasoline and diesel were achieved by optimizing the chromatographic and mass spectral conditions. There significant differences in carbon distribution of n-alkanes, (pristane) Pr/nC17 and (phytane) Ph/nC18, and relative abundance of different group-type compounds among the four fuel oils. The group-type compounds showed the obvious "tile effects".
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