Preparation of poly-ferric silicate sulfate by using iron sludge from Tantalum and Niobium smelting process and its application
摘要: 本文以Fenton试剂法处理钽铌冶炼废水产生铁泥作为聚硅酸硫酸铁制备铁源,在不同的ω(SiO2)、pH值、n(Fe)/n(Si)条件下优化制备了聚硅酸硫酸铁絮凝剂,并进行钨铋多金属矿选矿废水及高浊度模拟废水处理.研究结果表明:在ω(SiO2)=1.00%、pH=3.00、n(Fe)∶n(Si)=1∶1的适宜条件下制得的聚硅酸硫酸铁絮凝剂效果最佳.在0.10%(体积分数)投加量下搅拌2 min,钨铋选矿废水浊度去除率达99.9%,COD去除率达76.8%,废水中Pb和As去除率分别达98.8%和97.2%,Be去除率几乎达100%,处理后废水浊度由319 NTU降至0.32 NTU、COD含量由322 mg·L-1降至74.7 mg·L-1,废水中Pb和As质量浓度分别由7.89、1.03 mg·L-1降至0.09、0.03 mg·L-1,未检出Be;高浊度模拟废水浊度去除率达98.5%,浊度由716 NTU降至10.7 NTU.处理后废水达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8979-1996)一级标准.Abstract: Poly-ferric silicate sulfate was prepared with Fenton reagents using iron sludge from Ta and Nb smelting wastewater, and the preparation condition was optimized by using different ω(SiO2), pH values and n(Fe)/n(Si). The treatment of wastewater from W and Bi containing multi-metal ore dressing process and that from high turbidity containing bentonite was then carried out using the poly-ferric silicate sulfate. The results showed that the optimized condition of poly-ferric silicate sulfate preparation were ω(SiO2)=1.00%, pH=3.00, n(Fe):n(Al)=1:1. When 0.10%(volume ratio) of poly-ferric silicate sulfate was added to the wastewater from W and Bi containing multi-metal ore dressing process, the removal rratio was 99.9% for the turbidity after 2 min, 76.8%, for COD, 98.8% and 97.2% for Pb and As, and almost 100% for Be. The concentrations of turbidity and COD in wastewater decreased from 319 NTU and 322 mg·L-1 to 0.32 NTU and 74.7 mg·L-1, while those of Pb and As decreased from 7.89 mg·L-1 and 1.03 mg·L-1 to 0.09 mg·L-1 and 0.03 mg·L-1 and Be was below the detection limit, respectively. When 0.10%(volume ratio) of poly-ferric silicate sulfate was added to the high turbidity simulated wastewater containing bentonite, the removal rate of turbidity exceeded 98.5% after 2 min, and the concentration decreased from 716 NTU to 10.7 NTU. After coagulation, the quality of wastewater from W and Bi containing multi-metal ore dressing process and that of high turbidity containing bentonite both meet the first grade of the National Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB 8978-1996).
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