Spatial distribution and health risk assessment of heavy metals in provincial capital cities, China
摘要: 收集了我国31个省会城市城区表层土壤重金属数据,探讨了我国省会城市土壤重金属含量分布特征和健康风险. 结果表明,我国省会城市重金属Cd、Pb、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Hg和As平均含量分别为0.43、44.75、66.85、32.48、39.59、116.15、0.21、12.44 mg·kg-1.土壤重金属具有4种分布类型,大部分重金属(Cd、Pb、Ni、Cu和Zn)含量较高城市分布在西南和南方沿海及东北长春等区域. 健康风险评价表明,所有省会城市土壤重金属对儿童和成年人的非致癌风险是可以忽略的;除南宁外经口摄入As对儿童为不可接受风险外(>10-4),其余经口摄入致癌风险对儿童和成年人均介于可以接受范围内(10-6-10-4).Abstract: Heay metal concentrations in the urban soils of 31 provincial capital cities in China were collected based on the published papers to explore patterns of spatial distribution and evaluate human health risks. The results demonstrated that the average metal concentrations were 0.43 (Cd), 44.75 (Pb), 66.85 (Cr), 32.48 (Ni), 39.59 (Cu), 116.15 (Zn), 0.21 (Hg), 12.44 (As) mg·kg-1. Four patterns of spatial distribution were found, and the cities with relatively high concentrations of metals (Cd, Pb, Ni, Cu, and Zn) were distributed in the southwestern and southern coastal regions as well as Changchun region in northeastern China. Hazard Quotient value for each metal and Hazard Index values for all the metals indicated no significant risk of non-carcinogenic effects to children and adults in urban soils of 31 provincial capital cities in China. The probabilities of As posing carcinogenic risks to children were not accpetable in Nanning (>10-4), but were accpetable (10-6-10-4) to children and adults in the other cities.
Key words:
- urban soil /
- heavy metals /
- spatial distribution /
- health risk
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