Analysis of pollution characteristics of PAHs in Xinjiang Zhundong coal mining area
摘要: 本文采集并分析了新疆准东煤矿开采区域6个采样点的降尘、土壤和植物的样品,对样品中16种多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量进行了分析,结果显示,降尘中∑PAHs在1.07-8.34 mg·kg-1间;土壤中(除1#点位)∑PAHs在0.134-1.06 mg·kg-1间;植物中(除1#点位)∑PAHs在0.163-1.54 mg·kg-1间.降尘中高含量PAHs主要为苯并[b]荧蒽、菲和萘;土壤中高含量PAHs主要为菲、荧蒽和蒽;植物中高含量PAHs主要为萘、菲和芴.降尘、土壤及植物中PAHs均显示出富三环的特征;研究区域土壤中PAHs的苯并(a)芘等效毒性当量结果显示,研究区域土壤中PAHs的污染存在一定的潜在风险.Abstract: Atmospheric dusfall, soil and plant samples were collected in 6 locations in Zhundong coal mining area, and analyzed for 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The results showed that ∑PAHs was 1.07-8.34 mg·kg-1 in the dustfall, 0.134-1.06 mg·kg-1 in soil(except 1#sample point) and 0.163-1.54 mg·kg-1 in plant (except 1#sample point).High levels of PAHs were mainly for BbF, Phe and Nap in the dustfall, Phe, Fla and Ant in the soil, and Nap, Phe and Flu in the plants. All the samples were rich with 3-ring PAHs. BAP equivalent TEQ results of the PAHs in the soil suggest certain potential risks.
Key words:
- dustfall /
- soil /
- plant /
- polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons /
- coal-mining area /
- Xinjiang
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