Spatial distribution and pollution assessment of heavy metals in surface sediment of Baoxiang River, Dianchi Lake
摘要: 为揭示滇池主要入湖河流沉积物重金属含量空间分布特征和污染状况,本研究在宝象河流域10个关键监测位点采集河流表层沉积物,运用X射线荧光光谱仪对其Zn、Cu、Cr、Pb、Ni含量进行测试,并使用地累积指数法、富集系数法、潜在生态风险评价法对该流域重金属污染状况进行评价.结果表明:(1)研究区Zn、Cu、Cr、Pb、Ni的含量分别为70-253、68-274、0-151、0-110、62-94 mg·kg-1,其含量均值分别是区域背景值的1.97、4.24、2.17、2.41、2.36倍.(2)3种评价结果表明,Zn在河流下游达到中等污染水平,富集程度也为中度;Cu在河流上游达到较强污染水平,并出现显著富集的情况;Cr、Pb、Ni在宝象河大部分河段为中等污染水平,富集程度也为中度.单一重金属污染程度依次为:Cu > Ni > Pb > Cr > Zn,其中Cu在个别样点的生态危害系数超过40,属于中等生态危害,其余样点各种重金属生态危害系数都小于40,为轻微生态危害;各样点多种重金属潜在生态危害指数RI值均小于150,表现为轻微生态危害.从生态风险贡献率来看,Cu是宝象河重金属污染的主要贡献元素,应加以防范.Abstract: In order to assess the environmental pollution extent and evaluate the potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the bottom sediments of the inflow rivers of Dianchi Lake, thirty bottom sediments samples were collected from ten monitoring sites along the Baoxiang River (one of the largest inflow rivers of Dianchi Lake) and analyzed for heavy metal elements (Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Ni) by a X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. Sediments pollution assessment was carried out using the Geo-accumulation index(Igeo)and enrichment factor(EF). The potential ecological risk of these elements was evaluated by Hakanson's potential ecological risk index(Eri and RI). The results indicated that the contents of Zn, Cu, Cr, Pb, and Ni in bottom sediments of the Baoxiang River were 70-253 mg·kg-1, 68-274 mg·kg-1, 0-151 mg·kg-1, 0-110 mg·kg-1, and 62-94 mg·kg-1 respectively, and their average values were 1.97, 4.24, 2.17, 2.41, and 2.36 times the corresponding regional background values. The sediments were moderately contaminated with Zn in the downstream river, highly contaminated with Cu in the upstream river, and moderately contaminated with Cr, Pb and Ni in most parts of the river. The Baoxiang River exhibited a slight ecological risk, and the sum of risk factors (RI) at all sampling sites was less than 150. The potential ecological risk indices for single regulators (Eri) indicated that the severity of pollution of the heavy metals decreased in the following order:Cu > Ni >Pb > Cr > Zn. The potential ecological risk indexes for Zn, Cr, Pb, and Ni were low with the Eri less than 40. Cu posed a medium ecological harm in individual sampling site with the Eri larger than 40. Cu is the major contributor for ecological risk in Baoxiang River, and source of Cu should be investigated and controlled.
Key words:
- Baoxiang River basin /
- sediment /
- heavy metals /
- pollution assessment /
- Dianchi Lake /
- Yunnan
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