Distribution,source apportionment and potential ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in different environmental media around a cement factory in Digang Town
摘要: 以芜湖市荻港镇某水泥厂区周边农田土壤、地表灰尘、叶面尘为研究对象,测定Cr、Cu、Ni、Mn、Pb和Zn等6种重金属含量,运用相关性分析和主成分分析区分不同介质中重金属的来源,运用潜在生态风险指数法,评价重金属生态风险.结果表明,3种环境介质中除地表灰尘Ni,叶面尘中Cr和Ni外,各介质中其余重金属含量均高于当地土壤背景值,呈现出不同程度的累积;Cr、Pb、Zn主要来源于水泥生产活动和交通活动,Cu主要源自交通污染,Mn和Ni主要来自于自然源,地表灰尘中Mn主要来源于建筑物的风化;土壤和地表灰尘综合潜在生态风险处于强烈生态风险,叶面尘处于很强生态风险,土壤中Ni、Pb、Cu,地表灰尘和叶面尘中Cu和Pb为主要的致险因子.Abstract: Taking the farmland soil, surface dust, foliar dust around a cement factory in Digang town, Wuhu City as the study object, this paper determined the contents of Cr, Cu, Ni, Mn, Pb and Zn, and analyzed the sources of heavy metals in three environmental media according to the correlation analysis and principal component analysis. The potential ecological risk of heavy metals was evaluated through Hankanson method. Results showed that except Ni in the surface dust and Cr and Ni in the foliar dust, the contents of other heavy metals in all the three environment media exceeded the local soil background values showed different degree of accumulation. Cr、Pb、Zn mainly originated from production and traffic activities in the factory. Cu was probably rooted from traffic activity. Mn and Ni were possibly sourced from natural source, while Mn in the surface dust came from weathering of the building materials. The comprehensive potential ecological risk assessment result showed that heavy metals in the soil and surface dust are in strong ecological risk, and heavy metals in foliar dust are in very strong ecological risk level. The elements of Ni, Pb, Cu were the predominant potential ecological risk factors in soil, Cu and Pb were the main risk factors in surface dustand foliar dust.
Key words:
- cement factory /
- heavy metals /
- soil /
- surface dust /
- foliar dust /
- ecological risk
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