镉胁迫对线麻(Cannabis Sativa L.)富集及光合特性的影响
Influence of cadmium stress on the accumulation and photosynthetic characteristics of Cannabis Sativa L.
摘要: 选择广泛栽培于西北地区的线麻(Cannabis Sativa L.)进行盆栽实验,研究了Cd胁迫对线麻富集和光合特性的影响.结果显示,线麻根、茎、叶中Cd最大富集量分别达到503.40、350.63、77.90 mg·kg-1.随着土壤Cd浓度的增加,线麻根、茎、叶的富集量逐渐增加,且表现为:根部 > 茎部 > 叶部.当Cd≥150 mg·kg-1时,Cd从根部向地上部分的转运开始加强,且地上部分组织中主要集中在茎部.线麻株高、比叶重和生物量随Cd浓度的增加先升高后下降.当Cd浓度≥150 mg·kg-1时,株高、比叶重和地下部分生物量明显低于对照(PP>0.05).当Cd浓度为50 mg·kg-1时线麻叶绿素含量、类胡萝卜素含量、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、最大净光合速率和光饱和点达到最大值,光补偿点随Cd浓度的增加而持续增加.结果表明,线麻具有较高的Cd富集能力,可以作为潜在的Cd污染土壤修复栽培作物,但野外修复中如何提高线麻的生物量有待于进一步研究.Abstract: Cannabis sativa L., widely cultivated in the northwest of China was selected as the tested plant, and a pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of Cd stress on the accumulation and photosynthetic characteristics of C. sativa L. The results showed that the maximum accumulation of Cd in root, stem and leaf was 503.40, 350.63 and 77.90 mg·kg-1, respectively. With increasing Cd concentration in soil, the Cd content in root, stem and leaf of C. sativa L. increased gradually. The Cd accumulation in root was the most, followed by stem and leaf. Furthermore, the translocation of Cd from root to the aboveground parts enhanced when the concentration was greater than 150 mg·kg-1. The stem had higher bioconcentration factor than leaf in all treatments. The plant height, specific leaf weight and biomass first increased and then decreased with increasing Cd concentration in soil. When the soil Cd concentration was greater than 150 mg·kg-1, the plant height, specific leaf weight and biomass of underground parts were significantly lower than that in CK (PP>0.05). The content of chlorophyll and carotenoid, net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomata conductance, maximum net photosynthetic rate and light saturation point of C. sativa L. were highest at 50 mg·kg-1 Cd treated soil. Light compensation point, however, increased continually with increasing soil Cd concentration. The results suggest that C. sativa L. had the high capacity of Cd-enrichment. Thus, it can be used as an alternative plant for the remediation of Cd contaminated soil. However, the future study should be continued to improve the biomass of C. sativa L. under field application.
Key words:
- Cannabis sativa L. /
- accumulation /
- growth /
- photosynthetic rate /
- cadmium
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