Review and prospection of soil heavy metal remediation with combined earthworm-plant technology
摘要: 由于自然和人类活动而产生的重金属污染是目前国内外主要关注的热点问题之一.生态环境部和自然资源部联合发布了一份中国土壤污染现状报告,报告提出中国土壤重金属污染总体形势严峻.蚯蚓-植物联合修复的效果优于单一的植物修复和蚯蚓修复的效果.本文在大量收集文献资料的基础上,回顾了我国的超积累植物研究现状和蚯蚓在植物修复土壤重金属污染的作用.对蚯蚓-植物联合修复优缺点进行归纳,展望了蚯蚓-植物联合修复应用的广阔前景,为蚯蚓-植物联合修复的应用提供参考.针对蚯蚓-植物联合修复技术的应用,指出了今后研究的重点与方向.Abstract: Heavy metal contamination, occurring due to both natural and anthropogenic activities, is one of the research focus throughout the world. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) and the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) of the People's Republic of China issued a joint report on the current status of soil contamination in China. The report presents an overall grim situation with regard to the heavy metal pollution of China's soils. Combined earthworm-plant remediation is better than a single plant remediation and earthworm remediation. Base on literature review and analysis, this paper summarized the research status of hyperaccumulators in China and the role of earthworms in phytoremediation. The advantages and disadvantages were discussed, while its potential application was prospected,which would provide basis for carrying out earthworm-plant remediation in the future. The issues which need further study were presented, in terms of the application of earthworm-plant remediation.
Key words:
- earthworm-plant remediation /
- heavy metal /
- soil
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