Regulation of sulfur transformation of point source in sewage by zero-valent-iron under different flow rates
摘要: 研究了不同污水流速下,各粒径零价铁(ZVI)对实际污水中硫化物(S2-)和硫化氢(H2S)浓度以及pH值的影响,并考察了不同污水流速下各粒径ZVI的损失量和消耗量.结果表明,当污水流速为0.2 m·s-1和0.6 m·s-1时,ZVI粒径越小,S2-和H2S的去除效果越好,其中R3-ZVI对S2-和H2S的控制效果最好,但其损失量和消耗量最高且pH偏高(分别为8.5和8.3),而R2-ZVI对S2-和H2S的控制效果与R3-ZVI接近且pH适中(分别为8.1和8.0),当污水流速提高至1.2 m·s-1时,R2-ZVI对S2-和H2S的控制效果最好且pH值适中(7.9),而R3-ZVI的损失量和消耗量因受水流速度影响而显著增加,从而导致其对S2-和H2S的控制效果降低,综合考虑,采用R2-ZVI控制污水中的S2-和H2S产生更经济有效.Abstract: Effects of zero valent iron (ZVI) with different particle sizes on sulfide (S2-) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) concentrations and pH in actual sewage under different flow rates were studied. The loss and consumption of ZVI with different particle sizes under different flow rates were also investigated. The results indicated that smaller particle size ZVI produced better removal efficiency of S2- and H2S under the flow rates of 0.2 m·s-1 and 0.6 m·s-1. The control effect of R3-ZVI on S2- and H2S was optimal, but the loss and consumption of R3-ZVI were the highest and the pH was higher (8.5 and 8.3 respectively). However, the control effect of R2-ZVI on S2- and H2S was close to that of R3-ZVI and the pH was moderate (8.1 and 8.0 respectively) under the flow rates of 0.2 m·s-1 and 0.6 m·s-1. The control effect of R2-ZVI on S2- and H2S was optimal and the pH (7.9) was moderate under the flow rates of 1.2 m·s-1. However, the loss and consumption of R3-ZVI increased significantly due to the influence of flow velocity, which resulted in the decrease of control effect on S2- and H2S. Considering comprehensively, it was more economical and effective to use R2-ZVI to control the production of S2- and H2S in sewage.
Key words:
- flow rates /
- particle sizes /
- zero-valent-iron /
- sulfide /
- hydrogen sulfide
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