Current status, characteristics and development trend of PBDEs levels in fish/shellfish from major coastal areas of China
摘要: 多溴联苯醚(polybrominated diphenyl ethers,PBDEs)是一种溴代阻燃剂,稳定性强,并具有生物蓄积性和长距离迁移特性.海洋环境是疏水性PBDEs的全球汇集点,自本世纪初研究者在海洋生物中陆续发现了PBDEs.本文分析了近16年来我国环渤海,东部沿海及南海北部三个沿海地区鱼/贝类中PBDEs的暴露水平现状及分布特征.现有的研究结果表明:环渤海、东部沿海以及南海北部地区鱼类中PBDEs总体暴露含量差异显著,分别为0.56—215.81 ng·g-1 lw (脂重)、ND—77.0 ng·g-1 lw和ND—167 ng·g-1 lw;贝类样品PBDEs含量最高为渤海莱州湾地区230—720 ng·g-1 lw,其次是浙江台州地区58.33—78.98 ng·g-1 dw (干重);渤海沿岸鱼类中PBDEs浓度呈现上升的趋势,南海北部鱼类中的PBDEs浓度呈下降趋势,东部沿海地区鱼类体内PBDEs浓度没有明显变化;3个沿海区鱼类中PBDEs的同系物暴露特征总体表现为低溴代的PBDE-47检出率最高、对总量贡献率最大.高溴代的PBDE-209近年来在某些鱼/贝类中的检出率和检出浓度有上升趋势.Abstract: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are brominated flame retardants which are persistent, stable, bio-accumulative and long-distance transferable. PBDEs are hydrophobic compounds. Therefore, marine environment is the convergence point of global PBDEs. PBDEs have been consecutively detected in various marine organisms since the beginning of this century. This study was aimed at analyzing the current status and distribution characteristics of PBDEs in fish/shellfish from three coastal areas of China including Bohai Sea, eastern coast and Northern South China Sea in that past 16 years. The results from the present research work showed that significant difference of PBDEs concentration in fishes was observed. The PBDEs concentrations ranged from 0.56 to 215.81 ng·g-1 lw (fat weight) in the fishes from Bohai Sea, from ND to 77.0 ng·g-1 lw from the eastern coast, and from ND to 167 ng·g-1 lw from the northern South China Sea, respectively. The highest concentration of PBDEs reported was 230-720 ng·g-1 lw in shellfish samples of Bohai Laizhou Bay, followed by 58.33-78.98 ng·g-1 dw (dry weight) in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province. The concentration of PBDEs in fish from Bohai coast area showed an upward trend, while that from Northern South China Sea showed a downward trend. The concentration of PBDEs in fish from eastern coastal area did not change significantly. The results of research on PBDEs congeners in fish from the three coastal areas suggested that PBDE-47 was the dominant congener with the highest detection rate and highest concentration. Of course, the contribution of PBDE-47 to the total amount of PBDEs in fish was the highest. Meanwhile, recent studies demonstrated that the concentration of PBDE-209, a high brominated congener, has been increasing in some fish/shellfish during the past few years.
Key words:
- coastal area /
- PBDEs /
- exposure level /
- distribution characteristics /
- development trend
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