Detection of sulfameter in water by a planar waveguide immunosensor
摘要: 为满足对水中磺胺类抗生素磺胺对甲氧嘧啶(SMD)快速灵敏检测的需求,本研究基于间接竞争免疫反应原理,结合本课题组自主研发的平面波导免疫传感器,建立了快速检测水环境中的磺胺对甲氧嘧啶(SMD)抗生素的方法.研究结果表明,当抗体浓度优化为1.50 μg·mL-1、溶液pH值为中性时,磺胺对甲氧嘧啶(SMD)的检测限可至5.24 ng·L-1,定量检测区间为0.03 -1.37 μg·L-1,满足水中SMD抗生素的检测需求;四环素、林可霉素及双酚A三类典型污染物对SMD的检测无明显干扰,本方法具有良好的特异性和选择性,检测周期(包括检测及再生)仅20 min.传感芯片再生性研究表明,检测的核心单元免疫芯片可再生后重复使用,其检测性能在运行100个工作周期后无明显衰减.利用本方法对两种实际水样进行加标回收测试,回收率分别在86.3%-93.2%、86.7%-90.5%之间,相对标准偏差均小于10%.结果表明本方法可用于实际水中SMD的快速检测,同时为其它磺胺类抗生素快速灵敏检测方法的建立提供了参考.Abstract: To meet the demand for the rapid and sensitive detection of sulfameter(SMD), one of the sulfonamide antibiotics, in environmental water, a detection method was established using the planar waveguide immunosensor based on the indirect competitive immunoassay. The results showed that when the optimized antibody concentration was to 1.50 μg·mL-1 and pH was neutral, the detection limit of SMD reached 5.24 ng·L-1, and the detection range was from 0.03 to 1.37 μg·L-1, which meets the requirement of SMD monitoring in real water. The tetracycline, lincomycin and bisphenol A had no interferences to the SMD detection, indicating high specificity and selectivity of this method. Each detection cycle, including the detection and regeneration processes, could be completed within 20 min. The reproducibility test results showed that the immune chip could be recycled for more than 100 times, and that no significant degradation of performance occurred. Two types of real water samples were spiked for the detection of SMD. The recoveries were between 86.3%-93.2% and 86.7%-90.5%, respectively, and the relative standard deviations were less than 10%. The results showed that this method could be used to detect SMD in the real water samples and that it would provide a reference for the establishment of rapid and sensitive detection methods for other sulfonamide antibiotics.
Key words:
- planar waveguide immunosensor /
- sulfameter /
- rapid detection /
- environmental water sample
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