Effects of biochar-modified materials on Cu2+ adsorption by bank soils along Jialing River (Sichuan and Chongqing section)
摘要: 为了探索生物炭修饰材料对嘉陵江流域沿岸土吸附Cu2+的影响,采用生物炭(B)、磁化生物炭(MB)以及50%和100% CEC十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱(BS-12)修饰MB(分别以50% BS-MB和100% BS-MB表示)作为炭修饰材料,分别将其以1%(质量比)加入嘉陵江流域(川渝段)内苍溪(CX)、南部(NB)、嘉陵(JL)和合川(HC)沿岸土中,共计形成20个混合土样(以原土作为对照),批处理法研究各样品对Cu2+的等温吸附和热力学特征,并对比不同温度、pH值和离子强度下的吸附差异.结果表明,不同混合土样对Cu2+吸附等温线均呈"L"型且符合Langmuir模型,最大吸附量qm保持在62.20-308.88 mmol·kg-1之间.相同生物炭修饰材料添加下Cu2+吸附量表现为JL > NB > CX > HC的趋势.20-40℃范围内,各混合土样对Cu2+的吸附量均随温度的升高而增加,表现为增温正效应.离子强度从0.01 mol·L-1增加到0.1 mol·L-1,各混合土样(除HC外)对Cu2+的吸附量均呈现先增后降的趋势.pH值升高有利于混合土样对Cu2+的吸附.各混合土样对Cu2+的吸附是一个自发、吸热和熵增的反应过程,且CEC和比表面积是决定混合土样对Cu2+吸附效果的关键.Abstract: To explore the effect of biochar-modified materials on Cu2+ adsorption by bank soils along Jialing River (Sichuan and Chongqing section), biochar (B), magnetized biochar (MB), 50% and 100% CEC dodecyl dimethyl betaine (BS-12) modified MB (represented by 50%BS-MB and 100%BS-MB, respectively) were used as the biochar-modified materials, which were added into the bank soils of Cangxi (CX), Nanbu (NB), Jialing (JL) and Hechuan (HC) along Jialing River (Sichuan and Chongqing section) with a mass ratio of 1%, and a total of 20 mixed soils were formed (ambient soil was taken as the control). The adsorption isotherms and thermodynamic characteristics of Cu2+ in each mixed soil sample were studied by batch method, and the differences in adsorption under different pH values, temperatures and ion strengths were discussed. The results indicated that the adsorption isotherms of Cu2+ on the tested samples were all "L" type and accorded with the Langmuir model, and the maximum adsorption amount (qm) of Cu2+ on the three types of materials varied between 62.20-308.88 mmol·kg-1. The adsorption amount of Cu2+ showed a trend of JL > NB > CX > HC on all the materials. In the temperature range of 20-40℃, the adsorption amount of Cu2+ on the mixed soil samples increased with the temperature, which presented a warming effect. When the ionic strength changed from 0.01 mol·L-1 to 0.1 mol·L-1, the adsorption amount of Cu2+ on each tested sample (except HC) increased first and then decreased. Increasing pH value was beneficial to the Cu2+ adsorption by different mixed soil samples. The adsorption of Cu2+ by each mixed soil sample was a spontaneous, endothermic and entropy increasing reaction process. Meanwhile CEC and specific surface area were the key factors in determining the adsorption efficiency of Cu2+ on soil samples.
Key words:
- biochar /
- Jialing River /
- bank soil /
- Cu2+ /
- adsorption amount
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