Temporal changes in the profiles and concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in human serum collected from a typical e-waste recycling area in China
摘要: 多溴联苯醚(polybrominated diphenyl ethers,PBDEs)是一种传统的溴系阻燃剂,已逐渐被禁止使用.但是,由于其持久性、生物累积性和潜在的生物毒性,PBDEs相关的环境影响依然被关注.本文采集了2014年和2018年浙江省LQ地区普通人群和电子垃圾拆解工人的血清样本,对7种常见的多溴联苯醚同系物进行了检测.研究结果与本研究组2006年开展的LQ地区普通人群血清结果进行对比,以了解该地区人群PBDEs随时间的变化趋势.2014年和2018年普通人群血清中的∑PBDEs平均浓度分别为48.0 ng·g-1 lw(lipid weight)和44.2 ng·g-1 lw,虽然比当地电子垃圾拆解职业工人血清水平(269 ng·g-1 lw)低1个数量级,但远高于其他非电子垃圾拆解区域普通人群水平,说明电子垃圾拆解活动对LQ普通人群PBDEs负荷具有重要影响.从时间尺度上看,人群血清PBDEs水平,2014年和2018年两年均显著低于2006年(P<0.05),这可能归因于PBDEs商业产品的限制和禁用,以及LQ当地政府近年来对该地区电子垃圾拆解活动的规范化管理.2014年和2018年PBDEs水平呈现出男性大于女性的特征(P<0.05),这可能与男女饮食习惯和代谢能力的差异有关.本研究对LQ地区人群血清中的PBDEs负荷进行调研,可为电子垃圾拆解活动的管理提供数据基础.Abstract: As traditional brominated flame retardants, polybrominated biphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have been gradually banned. However, the environmental effects of PBDEs are still of great concern due to their persistence, bioaccumulation and potential toxicity. To investigate the temporal changes in the profiles and concentrations of PBDE congeners, serum samples were collected in LQ town, a typical e-waste recycling area in Zhejiang Province, and seven PBDE congeners were determined. The results were compared with the data reported in a previous study on PBDEs body burden in LQ general population. The serum samples of the general population living in LQ town were collected in both 2014 and 2018, and those of the e-waste recycling workers in LQ were collected in 2018. The mean concentration of ∑PBDEs of the general population was 48.0 ng·g-1 lw (lipid weight) in 2014 and 44.2 ng·g-1 lw in 2018, respectively. The mean concentration of ∑PBDEs in the general population in 2018 was about one order of magnitude lower than that in the e-waste recycling workers (269 ng·g-1 lw), but was much higher than that in the general population living in other non-e-waste recycling areas, suggesting that e-waste recycling activities might impose a great impact on the PBDEs body burden of LQ general population. Compared with those in 2006, PBDEs serum levels in both 2014 and 2018 decreased significantly (P<0.05). The facts that PBDEs have been phased out across the world and the environmental management policies for restricting e-waste recycling activities have been implemented by LQ authority, might have been attributed to the decrease of PBDEs serum levels in the past ten years. The serum concentrations of ∑PBDEs in female were significantly lower than those in male (P<0.05), which may be associated with the differences in diet styles and metabolic/degradation capacities between male and female. PBDE human body burden in LQ was investigated in this study, which could provide data basis for the management of e-waste dismantling activities and related chemicals.
Key words:
- e-waste /
- PBDEs /
- human serum /
- temporal trend
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